With This Ring Read online Georgia Le Carre

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 92
Estimated words: 86947 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 435(@200wpm)___ 348(@250wpm)___ 290(@300wpm)

I studied it. It still sounded too emotionless. I crafted another message.

Hey Maxim,

I’m going to take your advice. You were right. I shouldn’t let my pride hold Britney and me back from achieving our dream. So I’m going to return all the money you sent except for $10,000, which I will consider as a six-month loan from you. You’ll get interest, of course. Thanks.

There. It was polite, not condescending or aggressive and gave him credit.

Two minutes later, his response came, and my heart jumped in my chest.

“Brilliant idea.”

I thought to send a thumbs-up emoji, but then decided I should stop while I was ahead.

Then I made an appointment with my doctor. So far I had been very careless with birth control. I could already even be pregnant. Strangely, the thought didn’t make me feel any dread at all. In fact, I kinda wished I was. How great it would be to see a little cutie of a Maxim running around.

I smacked my cheeks to pull myself together.

What the hell was the matter with me? Why was I even thinking these strange thoughts? The last thing I needed was getting pregnant, especially to a man who was unemotionally unavailable to the world.

Chapter Sixty-Nine



Three days later, my feet were off the floor and my back slamming into the wall of Maxim’s foyer. He had been unable to wait, and the moment I arrived at his door he pounced on me. One moment I’d been holding a pizza box and the next, I was pulled into the apartment, the pizza was on the floor, and his cock, thick and hard, was ramming into me.

With my legs wrapped around his body and my hands clinging to him like a monkey he took me to his bed. There, I changed the power structure and got on top of him.

I ground my hips sensually against him, riding him fast and then slow, and near driving me out of my own mind. I put my hands over his face to hide what I was doing to him.

“Fuck,” he roared into my hands and I couldn’t help my laugh. I was light-headed with the high that I was on from being with him again. From feeling his cock inside me. Life felt more beautiful, vibrant, full of purpose that I could barely contain the marvelous sensations inside me.

“Freya,” he called.

I fucked him even harder. Rising on his shaft and slamming down hard. His hand glided down my body to grab my ass, shoving me even deeper inside of him.

“I fucking love the way you feel,” he grunted. “Oh fuck, just like that.”

I was already quaking and I could tell he was also close. I waited for it eagerly. This part I treasured so much. Racing towards a release that always completely shattered the both of us. The sensation of his seed hot and thick bursting deep inside me, filling me up. Sometimes I squeezed my thighs together to keep it a little longer.

I cried as I shuddered against him, my system overtaken by such strong spasms of raw primal pleasure, I froze.

He flipped me over onto the bed, and shoved his hips at me, milking out every bit of pleasure before he followed me over the edge into the abyss of pure bliss. He collapsed on top of me, and I held on desperately to him, a new fear filling me. After what Britney said I had started to think more deeply about our arrangement.

How was I ever to let him go when he made me feel like this? When he made me fucking come like this?

He kissed me then, sweetly, but I kissed him desperately and with a silent plea. What I was asking for however, I didn’t have a clue.

He must have felt the difference in me, because he lifted his head and looked into my eyes with a questioning look. I felt as if I couldn’t breathe, let alone speak, but my phone ringing did register. It gave me the perfect excuse not to face his curious eyes, so I lurched over to my bag where it had been flung across the floor, and fished my phone out.

It stopped ringing as I got it. It was Bianca.

As I was about to call her back I felt Maxim come up to me. He slid an arm around me and pressed me against his gloriously naked body. He had an apple in his other hand and he brought it to my lips. I took a bite out of it and sank into his hold. He took another bite then both his hands covered my breasts.

“I need to call Bianca back,” I managed to say.

“Later,” he grunted.

I shook my head and clicked the green call button. “Maybe it’s important.”

“Yeah?” Suddenly, he picked me up, and I squealed as he threw me over his shoulder. Next, I was deposited on the couch and my legs pulled wide apart. Then my greedy lover got on his knees, and covered my whole sex with his mouth.


