With This Ring Read online Georgia Le Carre

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 92
Estimated words: 86947 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 435(@200wpm)___ 348(@250wpm)___ 290(@300wpm)

They were as perky and beautiful as I had imagined.

She was perfect. Everything about her was perfect.

She intoxicated me like no other woman had ever done.

She was made for me. And only me.

I weighed the firm mounds in my hands and squeezed them softly. I was in complete awe of the woman’s body. With my arms encircling her, I held her in place and took as much of one sweet breast as I could into my mouth. She writhed against me as I sucked hard on her succulent flesh. Then I moved to the other. God, I had been starved for way too long.

She cradled my head in her hands, her moans reverberating through the car, and sending dangerous chills down my spine.

“Maxim,” she gasped in my ears.

The way she called my name made my cock jump.

I lifted my gaze to the breathtaking woman I had wanted for so long. “Do you know what you do to me?” I breathed, my throat choked with emotion.

It felt as though all the screws that kept my logic and senses intact had unraveled. I was wholly and fully at her mercy. It was not a state I would ever have chosen, but I was helpless to resist her. She was a green-eyed witch who had cast a spell on me. I pushed her hair away from her cheeks and kissed her. Her eyelashes fluttered as her green gaze locked with mine. I felt my chest expand dangerously.

I yanked her dress over her head. All she was left was her underwear. I exhaled. An insignificant black thong stood between me and my dream.

With one pull, it snapped away from her skin. She gasped in shock when I suddenly grabbed her knees and pulled them apart so that her body was leaning back and her pussy was wide open to my gaze. For a few seconds I could do nothing but stare at the glistening, pink petals. I could see it throbbing. An unfamiliar but strong sense of possessiveness filled my body. This pussy was mine. She was mine.

I slid my hand up her cleft, parting the slick wet folds to tease her swollen bud underneath. She was so wet and so tender. As I circled the hard bud, her thighs began to shake. I inserted a finger into her softly pulsating, pink slit and her juices ran down my fingers. As my finger slid deeper, her eyes fluttered closed, and she moaned.

God, I wanted to taste her.

“Open your eyes,” I commanded.

Her eyes were no longer green, but almost gold with lust. She watched me, her eyes burning with fascination as I brought my fingers to my mouth. They were heady with her scent. Greedily, I lapped at her arousal. It was like tasting heaven. I was terrified I would never get enough.

I slipped my finger out slowly, then back into that warm, wet opening and finger fucked her as I reached for my cock. When it sprang free I grabbed her hips and lifted her up. She took the cue and moved into position. She crushed her lips to mine and ground her wet sex against me, rocking her hips back and forth in a crazed rhythm against my hardness. Enjoying the sensation of my hardness stroking her clit.

For the first time in my life, I doubted my ability to last. I slipped two of my fingers inside her and her channel immediately gripped them greedily. She was so fucking tight I was surprised.

Her head fell backwards in a gasp and I moved to position the wide crest of my cock at her opening. I began to guide her on to me, but she was too tight. I looked up to watch her face and saw the pain on it and suddenly I knew.

I was so shocked that for an instant, I froze.

“You’re a virgin?” I whispered.

She nodded.

I leaned forward and buried my head between her breasts. Her perfume filled my nostrils. I felt a sense of loss. I should have done better for her. Not this quick fumble in the back of my car. I was such a fucking idiot.

“Maxim,” she called, her voice shaky. “What’s wrong?”

“You deserve better than this, Freya.”

“Fuck you,” she said and immediately got off me and began to haphazardly dress herself as quickly as she could. She grabbed her purse and pulled the latch so that she could get out of the vehicle. But it was still locked.

I wanted to tell her how I felt, but I couldn’t explain myself without exposing myself.

“Fucking let me out,” she muttered.

I tapped hard on the window and the two men returned back to the car. They pulled the door open for her and she got out. She headed back into her building and the moment I was sure that she had gotten in safely, I tapped on the window and the car pulled away.


