The Naughty List Read Online Jade West

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Dark, Erotic, M-M Romance, Taboo Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 108
Estimated words: 103000 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 515(@200wpm)___ 412(@250wpm)___ 343(@300wpm)

“I’ll clean you slowly, Miss Holly,” he says. “I’ll savour everything.”

I’m transfixed as I watch him, lapping at me, and moaning at every taste. His tongue is magnificent, and my pussy clenches at the thought of what’s coming, because this guy knows what he’s doing with it. He uses it in places I never realised would be so sensitive – like the crease at the back of my knee – and sweeps it hard across tender, bruised flesh, like a massager. Twisting and twirling and it really is divine.

I could be his goddess Eve for days on end and never get bored.

I lean back on the chaise longue and tip my head back, eyes closed as I welcome him up and closer. I hold his head as he breathes into my ear, blessing me with shudders from tiny little kisses all the way down my neck. I always love those. They make me pant with want – and I have to stop myself urging him into me. It would be so fucking easy to take my want and have him use it. But no. NO. This is the proposal, and nothing more.

I play the dirty game he laid out to play, hitching myself and gasping as he worships my bruised tits with his tongue, flicking my nipples with the tip as he looks up at me.

“You’re lucky, aren’t you?” I say, trying to make sure I maintain my goddess position, and he nods, gratefully.

“I’m extremely lucky to be blessed with a queen like you.”

The luck is all mine when he begins to suck. My tits are still so tender that they spark pleasure down between my legs, and it’s going to be so much harder to keep my composure now… I won’t manage it…

Not unless I summon the strength to make him begin all over again.

“You haven’t earnt the honour of tasting my pussy yet,” I tell him. “Start over. On the floor. Kiss my feet again.”

I feel his hard-on against my thigh as he climbs straight down. No argument whatsoever.

“Yes, princess. Of course.”

I don’t know how I take another round of his tongue action. Even having my toes licked through my sandals gives me a fresh bout of shakes. My ankles are tickly, and my calves are tight as he kisses them all the way up to my knees. And then once again, slowly, he is on top of me, this time massaging my head through my hair, twisting strands in his fingers as I look to the side, so fucking sensitive on the back of my scalp.

“Fuck,” I whimper. “that’s so nice. More, please.”

He gives me more. He works my scalp like an expert, pressing in incredible spots while bearing his weight right down on me.

I’m the one moaning when he starts kissing my neck for the second time around, my hands up and over my head, arching for him as his wonderful mouth and tongue seek out my tender nipples. This time I need him on my pussy. I won’t be able to stop myself.

“You can clean me now,” I tell him. “Clean my dirty pussy, and give me the honour I deserve.”

“Thank you,” he says. “I’ll honour you with everything I have.”

I let him free on my pussy, spreading my thighs and letting him knead my bruises before he reaches the juncture. He breathes on me in wonder, running his fingers up and down my slit like it’s precious jewellery.

“Please, may I spread you?”

I remember my role.

“No. Not yet. You haven’t earnt the privilege.”

He groans at my words, teasing me with his fingertips some more. He tastes the creases between my thighs and pussy, then nudges his nose ever so slightly against my clit. But he can’t see it. My slit is closed tight, even though I’m dripping for him.

“Kiss me,” I tell him and he peppers my pussy with soft kisses, over and over and it’s so intense I want to slam my needy cunt in his face, but no.

“Please, may I spread you now?” he asks, and I look down with a smirk.

“No,” I tell him, “kiss my dirty hole.”

My God, when he presses his lips to my asshole and drops kiss after kiss after kiss, I swear I could come if he kept it up.

He stops for a breath and looks up at me.

“I’m eager to clean you, Miss Holly. May I spread you now?”

“Are you going to give me the honour I truly deserve?”

“More than anything, I promise.”

“Then yes, you may spread me now.”

I try to stay still as he slowly splays my pussy open like it’s a sacred flower, gasping at the sight of my clit swimming in pure, dripping want. His tongue is so thick it’s like a long, wet swipe of brilliance as he tastes the length of me, sucking at my clit like a baby craving a nipple. That’s the level of need I feel from him. He’s trembling, shaking as he eats my pussy, coaxing me open with his fingers and sinking his tongue in deep.


