The Naughty List Read Online Jade West

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Dark, Erotic, M-M Romance, Taboo Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 108
Estimated words: 103000 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 515(@200wpm)___ 412(@250wpm)___ 343(@300wpm)

I strut from guy to guy like I’m on a catwalk, giving each of them a hot pout and a needy flutter of my lashes. The first in line is an average kind of hot guy in a suit, mid brown hair. Nice, but not memorable. Guy number two is the shirtless one, dancing to the tune in his Rudolph antlers as he pumps his fists in the air. Guy number three is hot. Like really hot. Brooding dark eyes and a smirk on his face that gives me flutters. My gaze lingers on him for too long, which is unfair, so I give his tie a flick and force myself on by. I take the tinsel from the neck of the fourth guy, and wrap it around my own like a scarf, making sure I give him a decent flash of my cleavage as a thank you. Guy five is short, but cute, and has to be late fifties. He’s grey and balding, but that doesn’t stop him taking hold of my ass and giving it a squeeze. Guys six and seven have to be brothers. They’re virtually identical. Tall and slim, with the same light blond hair, catching the colours of the disco lights like a dream. And guy number eight… he has to be User 2155. He looks so pleased with himself as he stands there with his arms folded, nodding his head like I’m another achievement on their target board.

I like User 2155. Stocky and confident. Serious and firm.

I step up close, drop to a crouch and work my hands up his body as I rise, grinding against his thigh as the other guys cheer for him – but he doesn’t get me for long. I spin, then step along to the brothers at his side, jiggling my cleavage as a tempter. The older team member next to them grabs my ass all over again. I use his hold to squirm against his crotch, and he’s hard. I can feel him.

It’s turning me on already.

I hand the next guy along his tinsel back with a kiss on the cheek and another shimmy, and then it’s on to mega hot guy. I’m ready with a flutter of my lashes as I run my fingers down his chest to his belt. I tease by hovering, and the other guys let out a fresh cheer.

Yeah, I’m performing well.

Rudolph acts like a playboy when I reach him. He buries his face in my cleavage and blows a raspberry like a fucking idiot, pretending to ram his cock against me as I laugh. Jackass. Kinda cute, though.

Then it’s average guy. He barely gets a look in before the crowd start chanting with a STRIP, STRIP, STRIP!

“Yeah! Dance for us, baby!” Rudolph shouts, and I hope he shuts up soon. He’s going to be a pain in the ass when we start playing around later. I only hope it’s literally.

STRIP, STRIP, STRIP! the chants continue.

The sexy confident face of Holly devours any reservations as I take my place by the Christmas tree and begin my strip routine. I’m driven by excitement as I pull my bodice loose and dance before the crowd in my bra, holding my tits up as a teaser for playtime. My skirt shimmy is faultless, and so is my spin as I drop and take hold of my ankles, giving the guys a full-on view of my ass in my lacy black thong.

More cheers. More tension. More sexy electric in the air as I unclip my stocking tops and cast the suspender belt away, kicking off my heels along with it.

I dance some more in bra and panties before I finally let my tits free. I clasp an arm tight across my chest as I twirl my bra above my head, and then launch it over to the crowd like a trophy. It’s Rudolph that catches it. He hangs it from one of his fake antlers like an idiot, but I ignore him. I ignore everything but the vibrant sense of want in the room, and the newfound confidence zipping right through me.

Fuck, how I let the rhythm free once I’ve unveiled my tits. I see the want in their eyes, burning me alive through the festivities. I soak up the pure, uninhibited horniness in the room as I drop my panties, roving my hands over my tits, my hips, my ass as I shimmy.

I imagine myself being taken by all the men in this room.

Eight guys who want to fuck me. EIGHT. It’s bizarre, but I don’t give a fuck who is who, or what they want to do to me. I’ll take it all like a hungry little bitch, and beg for more.

That’s who Holly is. Who I am now. A hungry little bitch, desperate for as much as she can handle.


