The Naughty List Read Online Jade West

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Dark, Erotic, M-M Romance, Taboo Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 108
Estimated words: 103000 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 515(@200wpm)___ 412(@250wpm)___ 343(@300wpm)

That movement of his changes everything. The atmosphere morphs and heavies, and the want in the room feels almost palpable, it’s so thick. User 3267 reaches his hands up as though he wants to touch me, but they hover in mid-air, dithering.

“You can do it,” I tell him. “You can touch as well as look. You have permission.”

“Thank you.”

He wasn’t joking in his proposal when he said he likes feet. He peppers my toes with kisses through my leather sandal straps, almost delirious as he tells me how grateful he is. There is such fervour there already, my heart starts to race, thumping so fast I feel dizzy.

Eb was right.

I realise I’ve been an idiot to dismiss this kind of fantasy so easily – treating it like a spa visit, and not like a man who truly wants to worship a woman as a goddess in human form.

Time to get with it, and get myself in line.

I put down my champagne on the floor, and hitch my dress up, revealing my calves just an inch at a time.

His fingers are so gentle as he runs the tips up my skin. They give me goosebumps, and so does his mouth as he follows his tickles with kisses.

I’m already squirming when he reaches one of my knees.

“Want to see more?” I ask, and he nods.

“Please. Show me whatever you’re willing to grant me.”

That’s easy, since I’m willing to grant him everything.

He gasps as I stand up from the chaise longue and pull my dress up and over my head. His gaze soaks in the mottled purple and green of my thighs

“Beautiful,” he tells me, and I spread them, to give him a better view.

“I’d love you to kiss them better,” I tell him. “They need some love right now.”

He nods and carries on peppering kisses up my thigh, so meek that it gives me tingles on top of tingles, and he’s got me squirming some more – feral instincts coming to the fore – already wanting that gentle mouth of his on my needy pussy.

I’m gaining so much confidence week after week now, it’s unreal.

The nervous girl is definitely stepping into the confident woman, and this is a great environment to show it. I strip my bra and cast it aside, then tug my panties down and kick them free.

So, it’s just me, naked and bruised. Exposed for his stare.

I sit before User 3267, upright and proud, feeling like the goddess he wants me to be.

His touches are like butterflies as they dance across the bruises on my thighs.

“I know Harvey told me that you are a stunning creature, but I had no idea you would be this perfect.”


Harvey must be the guy who has a dungeon…

In the realms of normality, I could shake my head with a grin and tell User 3267 that I’m really not perfect, but even if I did, it wouldn’t come close to bursting his bubble. It’s a sensation that wraps me up in its glow and holds me tight. In his eyes, I’m the greatest woman in creation right now. It feels like he’s Adam, first setting eyes on his Eve. It feels glorious to be wanted so much, in exchange for so little.

I’m going to be Eve today. I want to be a goddess in this man’s deep blue eyes.

I feel an essence rising in me, from depths I didn’t know. My confidence takes hold of me and rushes through my veins, because here, in this space, I am his Eve. His one and only. His princess of perfection to serve and please.

Only the Eve of creation unlikely had bruises like mine…

And she’d be unlikely to spread her thighs wide to offer him her pussy, there for the taking…

“You said you wanted to worship my body,” I say. “So show me. Make me feel adored. Give me what you promised.” I spread my pussy lips for him, wanting his mouth on me. “Show me how good I taste.”

I don’t know what he’s experienced before from entertainers, but he stares mute, in shock as I hold myself open for him. All thoughts of this being a sweet spa day have gone from my shallow head. It’s got nothing to do with bathing and massage. It’s about adoration. Respect. Divinity.

“Are you certain? I may taste your… pussy?” he asks.

“I want you to taste my pussy. And if I really am your princess, you’ll do it without the need for my bathing and cleansing first, won’t you? You’ll take my dirtiness and make me clean. It’s been a long, dirty journey on the tube today.”

My words work like magic. I see him tremble as he licks his lips, ready to heed my calling, and what the hell – User 3267 has quite an unusual feature. His tongue is so beautifully long and thick, it’s going to be like a swirl of satin. He shows me again as he licks his way up my ankle.


