The Naughty List Read Online Jade West

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Dark, Erotic, M-M Romance, Taboo Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 108
Estimated words: 103000 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 515(@200wpm)___ 412(@250wpm)___ 343(@300wpm)

“Probably.” I giggle back, both of us shaking our heads, and I’m so glad I have her. So glad she’s here for me through it all.

Chatrooms are chatrooms and threads are cool, but it’s different in actual conversation. I don’t know what I’d do without her on the other side of the screen. I can’t wait to meet her one day, when she’s not so busy with family life on top of work.

Maybe it’ll be at the entertainer’s Christmas Party – I’ve seen people talking about it plenty in the threads. I just hope the final date turns out to be before my flight, so I can make it. Eb says she’ll be there.

“You going to accept that crazy proposal, then?” she asks me when the giggles stop.

I take another big suck of my strawberry milkshake, grinning around the straw.

“I clicked accept when it first came in,” I tell her, and poke my tongue out. “I’m already signed up for Saturday night.”

Chapter Sixteen

User 109. Male. 40.

I like extreme BDSM, especially with newbies who are fresh to the scene. I have a dungeon set up at my home address, with a variety of equipment including a St Andrew’s cross, a bench, rack, shackles and gym horse. I love variety, and love reading a scene.

You have tits built for bondage and pain, so that would be a must on my list. I love pussy torture, so that would also be a must. Stretching and clamps a necessity.

I will use crops, paddles and whips, and I’ll leave extreme purple bruising on your ass, and both your outer and inner thighs. I’ll leave light lashes on your back and ribs, and bruising on your tits.

You’ll be gagged at points, bound at plenty of points, and I may push you hard enough for tears. However, I do use additional toys to keep pleasure levels high as well as pain.

My dungeon is soundproofed, so there is no need to worry about noise.

I like my submissives naked and ready to use from the moment they arrive in the dungeon.

Duration – 8 hours.

Proposal price – £10000.

I thought Viv and Mark had a house to dream of, Daddy too, but this place is a whole other league. It’s out in the countryside, North East of London, and has a driveway at least half a mile long. I sit in the back of the cab, staring in wonder at the lit-up building at the end of the lane. It has to be a mansion. It has to be.

It sends a fresh hit of adrenaline through me, a weird concoction of abject fear and excitement, blending into a thicket of nerves inside my stomach.

“Whoa,” the cab driver comments as we reach the courtyard of the manor. “This is quite something.”

“Sure is,” I agree as I hand over the fare.

So much for running away from this place if I get freaked out. I wouldn’t even make it back to the road.

I click on arrived once the cab is off, standing in the glow of the courtyard lighting. It’s a cold night, and my bare legs are goosebumped. I’m wearing virtually nothing under my coat, just a short black dress that will pull off easily, and a lacy lingerie set. It won’t take me long to get out of it – naked and ready to use from the moment I arrive in User 109’s dungeon.

Use the door knocker, the message says, and I look at the huge arched doorway ahead. The twist of ivy looks magical in the warm glow of the lanterns on either side.

I’ll be quivering with fear and nerves for the next eight hours straight, so there is no point delaying the inevitable or trying to calm myself down. Ebony’s words play through my head – her concerns niggling like tickles at the back of my mind. Maybe she was right and this was too much for a newbie like me. I feel the urge to bolt, but keep walking until I reach the huge stone steps.

The door knocker looks fitting for a regal movie. A lion’s head with a huge ring coming from its mouth. It takes real force to thump it against the wood.

And then I wait.



Crapping myself with the grandeur and gravity of what is lying ahead for me behind this door.

The door doesn’t creak when it opens, just swings smoothly on huge hinges, showing a foyer lit up magnificently behind my client. He’s hidden in the shadows as he gestures me in with a welcome, and I could laugh a little as he finally appears before me in full lighting. Part of me had been picturing him like Hannibal Lecter, but no. Of course not.

User 109 is lean and imposing, yes, but he looks like more of an intellectual than a monster. He has a chiselled jaw, and hazel brown eyes behind his glasses, dressed in a plush dressing robe over a shirt and tie.


