The Naughty List Read Online Jade West

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Dark, Erotic, M-M Romance, Taboo Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 108
Estimated words: 103000 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 515(@200wpm)___ 412(@250wpm)___ 343(@300wpm)

“Good girl, Holly. That’s it. I know Daddy’s the one you want. Nobody else will ever touch you like this.”

I’m rippling with shudders in the aftermath, and he massages my ass cheeks on my come down. I’m draped limp, floating high on endorphins when he gives me a token pat on the ass.

“I think it’s time for you to show Daddy just how much you love him back, don’t you?”

I’m still buzzing as he drops me from his lap, coaxing me onto my knees between his legs. I know what I need to do. My mouth is watering as he unbuckles his belt and frees himself from his suit trousers.

Daddy’s cock is as gorgeous as the rest of him. Thick, long and veined. He’s already dripping wet down the length of him.

I’m ravenous as he guides my mouth to him, licking up his dripping precum in one sweet lap of my tongue before slurping up him and down him like the good girl I promised to be. I want to please my daddy. I want to show him how much Holly loves him.

Daddy takes hold of my pigtails, tight to my head. “All the way in, like I taught you.”

I take Daddy’s cock so deep that I have to fight back the retches. I look up at him through watery eyes, smiling up at the filthy man staring down at me. I take him right to the back of my throat as he watches me, urging me on with soft dirty words.

"That’s good, sweetheart… suck Daddy’s cock as hard as you can.”

I work my mouth up and down him, keeping my eyes wide on his.

“Harder, sweetheart. Suck harder for Daddy.”

I do as I’m told, and suck as hard as I can until I feel the tension in him. I see it in his bright green eyes. I’m already moaning around his cock, wanting his cum, but he stops himself and pushes me away far enough to pat his knees.

“Panties off, Holly. Give Daddy your sweet little cunt now.”

It should feel wrong, but it doesn’t. It feels so right my soul is singing in the pits of me. I tug my panties down and I’m straight up onto Daddy’s lap, still in my school uniform and truly feeling the part as I lower myself onto his wet cock.

“So tight,” he says, grabbing my hips and forcing me all the way onto him. “Beautiful.”

“Thank you, Daddy,” I say, and I really mean it.

I can’t help moving on his cock, it feels so good, but he stops me, forces me back down.

“Keep still,” he says, and I feel the pulse of his cock inside me as he unbuttons my school blouse. His eyes light up and he runs his tongue across his lower lip when he sees my cute, plain white bra with pretty pink bows on the side. I chose the most innocent looking one I could find.

His small nod confirms how pleased he his. He takes his time, freeing up one tit first, and my breaths are coming heavy as he strokes my nipple.

“Look at the way your nipple gets hard for Daddy,” he says, “Does it feel good, sweetheart?”

“Yes, Daddy. It does feel good.” I almost add, so does your thick cock buried deep inside me. Please fuck me, Daddy. The urge to ride him is intense. But I say nothing and do nothing as he frees up my other tit. He plays with both nipples, pinching and rolling.

“You’re such a gorgeous little girl, Holly.”

“Thank you, Daddy,” I tell him then moan and can’t hold back as he twists my nipples hard.

This time he doesn’t still me. He smiles lovingly at me.

“You may use Daddy’s cock,” he says.

With my hands on his shoulders and my tits bouncing in his face, I ride him – Daddy.

I ride my daddy and I really do feel like a horny schoolgirl.

Daddy laps at my tits, catches my nipples in his teeth and starts bucking back into me and it’s fucking heaven.

“Fuck me, Daddy,” I tell him and he does.

He’s in the flow as deep as I am, bucking right back up at me. I’m bouncing like a doll on his lap as he gets ready to unload, and with panting breaths he gives me another instruction. One that has me reeling…

“Kiss Daddy, now. Kiss your dirty daddy and tell me how much you love me.”

The words are obscene, but weirdly powerful.

“I love you so much, Daddy,” I tell him, and then I press my lips to his.

His kiss is deep, his tongue is demanding, and I’m all into the motions as he slams up, up, up to come inside me. I could kiss my daddy for ever. Filthy as sin, but true. So fucking true.

I feel like a mess when he’s finished coming – my head spinning with how roleplay like this can feel so real, and so disgustingly good.


