The Naughty List Read Online Jade West

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Dark, Erotic, M-M Romance, Taboo Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 108
Estimated words: 103000 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 515(@200wpm)___ 412(@250wpm)___ 343(@300wpm)

“MARK!” his wife bellows and it’s enough for him to pause, his cock buried deep.

I look over at the woman in the doorway as though it’s a surprise to be busted, impressed by the fake disgust on her face as she steps on in and slams the door.

She’s stunning. Her dark hair is twisted up in a bun, showing off her slender neck, and she’s in a short red ballgown, as though she really has been out at a party. She’s in tall, classy shoes, and has muscular legs that match her muscular torso. Her tits are high and impressive, just not nearly so big as mine.

“What the fuck is going on?” she asks him, as though I don’t exist.

He stumbles over his words as she approaches, and she looks down at me, still impaled by her husband’s dick.

“Get the fuck up,” she snaps, and takes a fistful of my hair to pull me out from under him.

Shit, I fumble until I’m sitting upright on the edge of the bed.

She drops down to a crouch, right in front of me. “What’s your fucking name, you little slut?”

“Holly,” I tell her.

“And what the fuck are you doing with my husband, Holly?”

“Viv–” Mark begins, but she holds a hand up.

“You’re the one who’s been after him from the coffee shop, aren’t you? He’s told me about you, you big titted bitch.”

I meet her eyes in shock, like she’s caught me out.

“I, um, couldn’t help myself… he’s just so hot… and I–”

“Shut up!” she yells. “You knew he was married. He told you plenty of times.”

“Yes, he did, but I know Mark likes goth girls! And I knew that if I dressed up and came to him…”

She wasn’t expecting that. She flashes him a genuine glare.

“That’s what you told her, is it? That you like goth girls?”

“She dragged it out of me!” he says. “She’s been trying to fuck me for months, like a slutty little vixen.” He looks at me with disdain, like I really am worth fuck all. “I couldn’t help myself, just look at her, Viv. Look at her. How the fuck do you think I was going to turn that down?”

“Because you’re married to me!” She straightens up and shoves him onto his back. “You’re a married man who should know the fuck better, and as for you,” she sneers at me. “You’re an adulterous mantrap who deserves a beating. So get out of here before I give you one.”

I remember the proposal. I shake my head.

“I can’t,” I say, and she double takes.

“Sorry, what did you say?”

“I can’t!” I look at Mark, addressing him, not her. “What we have is too important to me, Mark. I can’t stand to be without you, I never could. And now you’ve finally fucked me, it’s going to be even worse, so I’m not going anywhere.” I pause. “Tell your wife, Mark. Tell her how much you wanted me, too.”

Viv looks at him. “Mark, is this true? Is this little bitch telling the truth?”

“Tell her what you said!” I insist to Mark, impressed by how natural my acting skills are becoming. “Tell her all the things you promised to do to me!”

Viv’s eyes are blazing. “What things?” It’s me she’s looking at, not him.

I try to look guilty, dropping my gaze.

“He said he’d fuck me like I’ve never been fucked before. He promised he’d fuck my ass, even though I’ve never been fucked there before. He promised me that he’d fuck me like he meant it. He said he would mean it.”

“Oh, right, I see.” She looks at him. “Is that true?”

He doesn’t speak. I turn to stare at him along with her.

“Mark!” she snaps. “Is that true?”

He blusters, shrugging. “I was saying whatever needed saying. I wanted a go on her, that’s all.”

I act like I could cry, and Viv laughs at me.

“Oh, don’t play the victim here. You knew what you were doing.” She pauses. “The question is, are you going to leave him the fuck alone now?”

I don’t answer, don’t look at her, don’t do anything just twiddle my fingers.

“Answer me!”

I sigh as I shake my head, still refusing to meet her eyes. “No. I’m not. I can’t.”

“You’re going to pursue my husband’s cock regardless, that’s what you’re telling me?”

I summon a flare of fire. Of a girl driven insane. “I have no choice, ok! I want him so much, I wouldn’t be able to stand it!”

Oh, the tension. It’s palpable. It’s real. It gives me tingles between my legs.

“I see,” Viv says, and with that she paces around the room in her mega heels, looking at both of us as she scowls with folded arms.

Neither me or Mark move or speak. We just wait in silence, like too discovered thieves in the night. The seconds tick by. The anger in Viv mounts, and when she glares at me next, it’s as though she’s reached a filthy conclusion. The disgust in her eyes takes my breath.


