The Naughty List Read Online Jade West

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Dark, Erotic, M-M Romance, Taboo Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 108
Estimated words: 103000 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 515(@200wpm)___ 412(@250wpm)___ 343(@300wpm)


That enflames him. He shakes his head in fiery disappointment.

“You know Scott is a delinquent. You know you shouldn’t be anywhere near him.” His stare is so brutal. “I thought you’d learnt your lesson. I was hoping for better than this. I was hoping, hoping, I’d got it wrong when I saw this piece of filth in your bedroom. But I haven’t, have I? You’re still being a bad girl.”

I feel his anger as though it’s real. I feel guilt inside as though it’s reality, and it makes it so easy… so easy to sink into the role.

“No, Daddy, you haven’t got it wrong. I’m sorry. I’ve been being bad for months again. And I wanted to tell you. I did.”

“But you DIDN’T. Why not? You know I’d have helped you.”

My eyes flash up to his. Helped. I know what Daddy means. I get a flutter between my thighs and a twist of nerves in my stomach, but they aren’t such bad nerves anymore. They’re morphing into something else. Just a shiver…

“You know I’m scared when you help me,” I tell him, my voice shaky, “It hurts so bad.”

“Punishment always does, Holly, but it’s needed. We always need to accept the consequences of our choices. You know this.”

Time for a taste of the impudence he wanted. I summon it from the depths.

“Look. I won’t do it again, ok? I know it’s bad, but I’ll stop it, alright?”

He sighs a heartfelt sigh. “You said that last time.”

“Yeah, and I mean it this time.”

His expression darkens. “So you were lying last time, is that what you’re saying?”

“NO! I’m not saying that.”

“You’re contradicting yourself, you dirty girl, and you know what? That’s only going to make your punishment more extreme.”


He points a finger at me. “Stop it with the attitude, right fucking now.”

I look at him as though it’s a stand-off, but we both know who’s going to win here, real or not. This space, this fantasy, this game – everything is growing blurry, and reality is coming to mean nothing. I’m becoming Holly the schoolgirl. I feel her guilt, and fear, and the want under the surface… and it’s weird as fuck, but so good.

In fact, it’s a filthy relief.

I relax. I breathe. I let my inner sensations guide me.

Impudence. I need to push him some more.

“Come on, Dad. I’ve said sorry! Don’t make a big deal about it.”

“A big fucking deal?” He smacks the island with his hand and it makes me jump. “Young lady, you disappoint me, you know that?”

I don’t reply, just turn my attention to my glass of juice, pick it up and take a sip.

I nearly choke when he slaps the counter again.

“I asked you a fucking question, girl!”

His voice is so deep, so menacing, I can’t even remember the fucking question.

I give him a sad face. “Sorry, Daddy.”

“Tell me what you’re sorry for.”

Shit. “I’m sorry for… being dirty.”

“You weren’t even listening, were you?”

I shake my head in shame.

He sighs again. “I said, you disappoint me.”

“I’m sorry,” I tell him, “I don’t mean to.”

“Yes, well, you need to learn your lesson.”

He points over to the dining table, a huge monster of glass and deep blue resin.

“Stand over there,” he tells me. “Contemplate your punishment and how much you deserve it.”

I’m trembling bad again as I get down from the barstool. I gaze up at him with wide eyes.

“If I take my punishment like a good girl, do you think you could make it nice, like you do sometimes? Please. It helps the pain.”

He takes off his suit jacket, laying it neatly on the counter. He rolls up his crisp white shirt sleeves as I watch him. His forearms are lean and veiny. Muscular enough to pack one hell of a punch – or smack.

“You want me to touch you while I punish you?” The fire is still burning in his eyes. “I’m not sure you deserve that.”

“Please, Daddy. You know it takes my mind off Scott when you do that. It’ll help, I promise.”

“I’m not sure I can believe your promises today.”

I’m feeling young Holly’s need churning in my stomach. I’m as desperate for it as she is. The man before me holds his stare, so firm. It gives me another flutter between my legs, and I’m sure the plain white panties I’m wearing must be soaking through. Nerves make no odds. My pussy is still wet for him.

“We’ll see how well you behave during your punishment,” he says. “If you’re good enough, you’ll get a reward.”

“Thank you, Daddy.”

I smile as meekly as I can, then I walk slowly to the position he wants me in, feeling his eyes on me with every step. I stand next to the head of the table in an instinctive position, head bowed and hands behind my back.

Daddy leaves me waiting there, horny tension like a cloud in the air between us. I’m shuffling, fear and want mixing and twisting as I imagine what’s ahead for me. I don’t dare look at him, holding my position like a good girl. My breaths hitch as I finally hear him approach. He pulls out the dining chair beside me, taking a seat.


