The Black Sheep – Part 2 Greed (The Seven Deadly Kins #4) Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: The Seven Deadly Kins Series by Tiana Laveen

Total pages in book: 88
Estimated words: 81488 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 407(@200wpm)___ 326(@250wpm)___ 272(@300wpm)

I wasn’t always saved and sanctified. Holy ghost filled and baptized.

Bon appétit

Charlie was sitting in her living room eating a bag of spicy pork rinds, and downing them with an ice-cold Pepsi, when she saw the gigantic man with dark hair and beard approach her door. He was a big, hulking beast, and the sight of him had her lose her voice and gasp for a breath. He was handsome and scary at the same damn time. After ringing her bell, he waited a few seconds then knocked on her door, but she remained seated, simply staring.

The curtains were pulled closed, with the exception of one tiny slither of the outside world coming through. Just enough room that if she turned her head a little, she could make him out perfectly. Her gun sat on the coffee table, a mere two feet away. She’d heard rumors of break-ins in the neighborhood a few blocks over, and though she’d only had to use a gun once in all of her life, she hoped this wasn’t the day that she had to use it again. Nothing but a bullet would stop this walking freight train trying to pass as a human being.

“Ms. Charlie!” a deep voice rang out. “You don’t have to answer. I’m just leavin’ you something right here at your door. A present, as requested. You have a good evening.” The man waved to her closed door before walking away, but that did nothing for her worries. Was he still actually there, lurking at the side of the building? Waiting to ambush her? How does he know my name?! What type of present?! Is it a bomb or box of dog shit?

She heard his heavy steps getting softer and softer, but she wasn’t quick to answer the door. In fact, she sat there a good ten or fifteen minutes before she dared to even stand up and think about it. She approached the window with timid steps, peered out the curtains of her living room, and didn’t see him. No sign of him at all. It was like he’d vanished. Taking a deep breath, she said a fast prayer, opened her door, and looked down on the ground to see a small gold envelope with a tiny purple bow on it.

With a careful hand, she reached down and picked it up, then quickly slammed and locked the door. The front of the envelope read:

To: Ms. Charlie

From: Roman Wilde

Roman Wilde? That’s my Genesis’ boyfriend. Well, fiancé now. Why in the world is he sending someone my way and leavin’ this for me? She returned to the couch and sat down, feeling slightly relieved. Opening the envelope, she pulled out a letter…

Dear Ms. Charlie,

I hope that you’re in good health. I wanted this letter to be hand-delivered, but I’m in Las Vegas right now, so I asked my cousin Lennox Wilde to do it on my behalf. I didn’t want it to wait. For the last few weeks, a couple of my cousins have been looking out for Genesis when I can’t. I have this thing for wanting to make sure that the people I love are safe and well taken care of. I work a lot of hours and can’t be with Genesis all the time, so they drive by and make sure things look okay. It helps give me peace of mind. Now, that’s where you come in. You have given me peace of mind as well. For several months I have brainstormed on how to thank you for that. You may say, ‘Thank me for what?’

I want to thank you for being a true friend to Genesis. You’ve been feeding my fiancée when she was too tired to cook. Getting her mail when she forgot. I understand you both have each other’s mailbox keys and assist with that sort of thing. Thank you for looking out for her and listening to ensure she’s safe. You know her schedule and routine, and when that deviates, you follow up to ensure she’s fine. My cousin Phoenix saw you sweeping around her door one day.

I don’t think you understand just how rare that sort of thing is to see in this day and age that we’re living in. People showing actual concern and love for their neighbor. Genesis told me that when you sweep around her door, you sing and sometimes pray aloud. She said that you’ve prayed for her for years. Always wishing for her success, cheering her on, and even buying her jewelry when she knows you rarely wear such items. You just wanted to be supportive. She sometimes takes you to the store, and you insist on giving her gas money. She said you’re like the favorite great aunt in the family, and she loves you more than you know.


