The Black Sheep – Part 2 Greed (The Seven Deadly Kins #4) Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: The Seven Deadly Kins Series by Tiana Laveen

Total pages in book: 88
Estimated words: 81488 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 407(@200wpm)___ 326(@250wpm)___ 272(@300wpm)

Not all daddies are alike. Some of them are loud and boisterous. Others are quiet and meek. Some are amazing speakers. Some are rendered silent, but still find ways to say, ‘I love you…’


Poker and Property

“Grandpa, I will meet you at your house,” Roman rolled the dice in his palm as he leaned against the wall of the casino. “I can be there tomorrow at six PM.”

“I told you that you’re not callin’ any shots, and I will decide how, when and where. I’m glad that you called though.” He could practically hear the smug bastard’s smile over the phone. “I will meet you at your office, during business hours. Just like a regular client.”

Roman sucked his teeth as he watched machines light up, chime and bing.

“Okay.” He glanced at his watch. “I’ll see you then.”

Roman popped a piece of chewing gum in his mouth and leisurely walked around the casino. Finally, he was approached by two security guards.

“Mr. Wilde, Mr. Lee is ready to see you now.”

Roman walked with the casually dressed gentlemen down a long hall until they reached a series of doors. The area looked rather underwhelming with its low ceilings, strange yellow lighting, and sterile décor. Such a contrast from the gaming area. It smelled like wet newspaper, too.

He was led into a large room with long white columns and Greek style art. Now this is more like it. Two men in dark suits were standing at the front of the area beside a bald man dressed in a green coat and white button-down shirt. Roman wasn’t familiar with this sort of assembly, and that may have been for the best.

“Mr. Wilde, please have a seat.” One of the bodyguards pulled out a chair for him and he sat down. “After our phone call, I wanted you to come as soon as possible. After all, it’s not every day that we have someone admit to such a thing. Nevertheless, I didn’t expect it to be the next day.” Mr. Lee smiled, then laughed lightly. “I appreciate you wishing to move forward with this.”

“Yes, no need to drag it out. It’s been weighing on my mind.”

Mr. Lee nodded in understanding, though Roman highly doubted that he truly understood at all. “Would you like some water? Ginger ale? Maybe a cocktail?”

“No, thank you.” It began to feel particularly hot. He unbuttoned his suit jacket and undid the first button of his shirt. “So,” he sat straight and clasped his hands, looking the man in the eye, “I told you that I did some things. I gave you details as to what those things were. We both agree that at the time, some aspects of it were illegal. All of it was unethical. Now, I can’t go back in time, but what I can do is apologize, and write you an electronic check.” Roman pulled out his phone and opened up one of his online bank account apps. “I am going to refund the money, with ten percent interest.” He concentrated on the screen, but he could feel the tension and confusion in the room.

“I… I have never seen anything like this in my life.” Mr. Lee laughed nervously, tossing up his hands. “I honestly thought that you were bullshitting me on the phone! Someone just playing a trick. A game.”

“I’m a funny guy, Mr. Lee.” Roman smirked as he finished the transaction. “But one thing I don’t play about is money. The transaction is complete.” Roman got to his feet and refastened the top button of his shirt. “Oh, before I go, one more thing.”


“Let’s be honest. A good majority of the people makin’ you rich don’t have the money to lose, and they are drowning in debt, drug and alcohol dependency, or being sold in some sex trafficking ring and here to pick up tricks. The good ol’ days of so-called harmless gambling joints is long gone.” Mr. Lee sat stone-faced, listening. “Addiction and places like this go hand in hand. I say all of that to say that I have a request. Please, if I may be so bold, I’d like for you to make a donation to families affected by addiction. There’s a group in my home state of Texas called ‘Family of Tears.’ It’s for spouses, parents, children and siblings of addicts. Addiction to gambling, drugs, sex, everything. I don’t think gambling within itself is bad. I think that the elements it attracts can be.”

Mr. Lee glanced down at his phone, his brow arched. He must’ve seen the deposit. “I will consider it, Mr. Wilde.”

“Thank you. I’ll be on my way now.” Roman glanced at his watch once again.

“You’re an interesting man. I feel like there’s something you’re not telling me that prompted this, but I appreciate it all the same. It was nice meeting you, Mr. Wilde.” He got to his feet, and they shook hands.


