The Black Sheep – Part 2 Greed (The Seven Deadly Kins #4) Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: The Seven Deadly Kins Series by Tiana Laveen

Total pages in book: 88
Estimated words: 81488 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 407(@200wpm)___ 326(@250wpm)___ 272(@300wpm)

“Ruin my life, huh? Wow. Ya don’t say. I have some paint to watch dry. Anything else?”

“You can pretend to be calm, cool and collected all you want. We both know you’re a greedy bastard who prides himself on having complete control. Things are out of control right now. Completely out of control—but they can be right on track, if you do as you’re told. If you try and test your luck, I fucking guarantee you, you slick, smarmy bastard, that you’ll lose your money due to losing your job and being required to give restitution. Oh, the lawsuits that will roll in! One after another! Some of them fake just to get a dig at the millions you have! And knowing you the way that I do, you won’t be in a marrying mood after all of that. The one woman who made you, the playboy of the century settle down, will be gone with the wind. Congratulations on your engagement, by the way.” He stroked his beard as he thought about his grandson’s gorgeous lady. “You have fine taste. Genesis… the first book in the Bible…”

“Is this the part where you send my cousin Sam after her? The one who is still in physical rehab last I heard, after Kage and Lennox strung him to a tree and tore his ass up?” Roman laughed.

“Oh no… I’d never do such a thing. Do you know what the book of Romans is about? The one that is in the Bible, boy?”

“I sure do, so you don’t need to—”

“I know your mama took you and your brothers to church every now and again, but you’re not a believer like me. See, the Good Book says in the book of Romans that God’s virtue is divulged through the blood of Jesus Christ, delivering salvation and redemption to all who believe. All of us are sinners and fall short of God’s grandeur and glory, son. It’s our faith that keeps us grounded to God, you see? Jesus’ death and resurrection provide everlasting life. So, understand that God forgives you, as long as you believe, child.”

“Well, that’s funny ’cause I believe in God, but not in Santa Claus. I believe in good and evil, and I believe that a bullet to your head would be far too nice. Your time is comin’, Grandpa.”

“Yes, it is. And your time is coming, too. Since you are a man of faith after all, then I suggest that you better believe in what I’m saying to you because if you don’t, I’m gonna getcha… and getcha good!” He laughed. “If you don’t fall in line, I’ll make you fall to your knees and pray that God takes your soul before I find you.”

“Grandpa, I’d rather be fastened to the back of a NASCAR driver’s race car while he drags my bare ass and nuts on hot asphalt down a track going 200 mph on a road covered in broken glass, than work for the likes of you. Now, don’t get me wrong. I’ve enjoyed this little Bible study lesson with you this evening. It’s amazing how many Bibles are apparently handed out in hell, making it easier for you to obtain one and read about yourself when Lucifer is discussed. Did you break your leg when you were cast out of heaven? That’s the reason for your cane, ain’t it?” Grandpa laughed at that, then shook his head. “Also, just a little reminder, a good Marine has no issues taking proper instruction. Ain’t shit about you proper though, and you ain’t my boss, my mama, my God, my daddy, or my woman, so ain’t a damn thing you can say to me to make me fall in line, fall to my knees, fall for your bullshit, fall back, fall to pieces, or fall from grace.”

“That’s a lot of tough talk for a dead man walkin’. Maybe your Genesis, your perfect little tooth fairy that God created in seven days and crown-molded from your rib, knows of your sordid, shameful past?”

“That was cute.” Roman chuckled.

“Perhaps she does not. I saw she is a member of the African American community.”

“And you’re an affiliate of the Kiss My Ass Club for trolls. Not just a member, but the president. You’re a demonic specimen featured in the book of Repulsions and Revelations. Since you want to discuss race, and the Word and glory of God, let’s talk about you and all of your moral splendor. What’s your point?”

“Well, it just seems that my grandsons have a taste for chocolate as of late, is all. It’s amusing.” He grunted. “That’s fine, I suppose. Nothing wrong with a bit of black pepper in the soup. Besides, this Genesis gal has a stellar reputation. I doubt she’ll want it destroyed by the likes of you. No criminal record, barely even a parking or speeding ticket. Either way, the shit will hit the fan if you make me pull down my trousers, then turn the blower on top speed. If I do, it’ll be full blast and have no off button.”


