The Black Sheep – Part 1 Greed (The Seven Deadly Kins #3) Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: The Seven Deadly Kins Series by Tiana Laveen

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 73556 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 368(@200wpm)___ 294(@250wpm)___ 245(@300wpm)

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” He grinned and waved his right hand as if in surrender.

“Anyway, the drugs took over, and now their entire family won’t be the same. I was blessed, I guess. Never had anyone in my house growin’ up doing anything like that. My dad drank a beer on the weekends, but I never saw him intoxicated. My mama likes wine, and she admitted she tried marijuana once. It was way before she ever met our father and started havin’ kids.” She shrugged and shook her head. “We just went to church, school, were encouraged to get an education and do right by folks. That’s it, that’s all. Normal family for the most part. I mean, no family is completely normal or perfect. We’re human, but I had it good compared to many. Me and Tony had it good… yeah. Tony got into a little trouble way back when, but thankfully grew out of it. Our parents loved each other. They’d argue every now and again, but nothin’ over the top. Let me ask you something.”

“Yeah?” He got off the next exit and turned the music off.

“You ever have a drug problem?”

“Nope. I know it runs in families, but luckily that wasn’t my battle. I tried weed a couple of times back when I was in high school. I didn’t like the way it made me feel. I like being in control of my mind and body, and I don’t enjoy feeling out of sorts… as if I’m not in reality. I like alcohol, but don’t drink to the point that I don’t know what’s going on or lose control of myself. I am not one to be led or have someone or something else pulling the strings. That makes me really uncomfortable.” She nodded in understanding.

“I’m the exact same way. I like wine and cocktails, and sometimes go to a hookah bar every blue moon, but that’s about it.”

Roman took her hand and wrapped his fingers around hers. She squeezed, enjoying the feel of his touch…


A Virgo and a Sagittarius Walk into a Bar

“When’s your birthday?” she asked with a smile as he neared the bar. She could see the sign of the establishment in the near distance.

“You tryna figure out my zodiac sign, aren’t you?” He chuckled, looking directly at the road as he prepared to make a left hand turn at the light.


“It’s December 24th. I was born on Christmas Eve at 11:11 P.M. Almost on Christmas day.”

“Oh, my goodness! That’s so cute!” She knew she was squealing like a little kid but couldn’t help herself. How adorable.

“My mama called me her Christmas gift. I was a surprise. She didn’t even know she was pregnant until the end of her second trimester, she said.” He laughed as he turned into the bar parking lot.

“Do you know what sign you are?”

“I’m a Sagittarius.” Bright purple and blue lights lit up the swank, posh place.

“Yes, but there’s more to it. You’re on the cusp, actually.”

“Oh. I never really looked into that or studied astrology much. I just know the bare minimum.”

“I don’t either, but I know a bit about it. That’s definitely a cusp. You’re a Sagittarius, but have a lot of Capricorn in you, too. That makes perfect sense. Half fire, half earth.”

“Isn’t that just scorched earth?”

She smirked at him. “Sagittarius people have no filter, which you’ve proven time and time again. Y’all are fun, silly, free-spirited, spontaneous, and adventurous. Can be class clowns. Energetic and a little wild at times. Capricorns are about business, though. Ambitious. Career and money oriented. Disciplined. No nonsense. You’re a great blend of intelligence, a desire to learn and experience new things in controlled environments, being grounded and yet open-minded. In some ways, Capricorns and Sagittariuses are opposites. You having that blend makes you well-adjusted. That’s a great balance. A great combination.” This man is tugging at my damn heart…

“Okay. I learned somethin’ tonight. What’s your sign?” he asked as he turned off the car. Purple streams of light bathed his face as he looked at her, making his eyes glow like exquisite, mysterious orbs. Music beats drifted from the bar and filled her chest. She was drowning in his eyes… the man dripped sexiness. He was so manly, facetious, easygoing and smart, too. “Hello? Callin’ Genesis to the front of the room.” His lips curled in a silly grin.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I started daydreamin’. I’m a Virgo.”

“Ohhhh, shit. Nooooo. Not a Virgo!” He cackled.

She could do nothing but bust out laughing at that. “Now what’s that reaction for? What’s that supposed to mean? I thought you didn’t care about or pay attention to astrology?”

Grinning, he exited the vehicle and came around to open hers to help her out. Once inside the bar, they were seated in another room that was decorated in the color gold. Genesis had never been to this particular spot before, but by first impressions, it didn’t disappoint. Roman slapped hands with a few guys—jock looking dudes. She didn’t miss how a couple of the men he spoke to briefly eyed her curiously. He seemed to know so many people around town. After he was finished rubbing shoulders with a few gentlemen he knew, he took her hand, and she followed behind him to a door in a hidden spot.


