The Black Sheep – Part 1 Greed (The Seven Deadly Kins #3) Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: The Seven Deadly Kins Series by Tiana Laveen

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 73556 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 368(@200wpm)___ 294(@250wpm)___ 245(@300wpm)

“But you didn’t need to, because I already knew that. I was just playing the game.”

“Well, screw her to infinity and beyond, and her broke ass mammy that she still lives with at her ripe ol’ age of forty-four, too. Dead to me. R.I.P., Tasha, you Kentucky-Derby-horse-faced, Raggedy Ann, red-yarn-haired cheap ass, matted-synthetic-Dollar-Tree-braids-wearin’ heffa!”

“That was over six years ago. You don’t forget SHIT!” Genesis giggled.

“Your ex-boyfriend back in ninth grade, Keith Sanders, said you looked like a retarded rabbit when you wouldn’t let him take your virginity, then cheated on you with that hussy, Liz Marigold.”

“We don’t use the word retarded anymore.”

“HE DID! I’m just quoting him. He was dead to me then; he is dead to me now. I heard he’s been in and out of jail and got about ten kids. I’ve known you since second grade, Gen, and we’re still rockin’. Don’t tell me shit don’t you don’t want me to remember! ’Cause baby, I remember it all!”

“Rosie, your point is well taken, and I appreciate you for always having my back. Regardless of all of that, you need a therapist, strong medication, and an exorcism.”

“I do, but not for this. Now, all that aside, you can’t say that I’m not fair. I’m intelligent and real. You’re significantly sweeter than me, not naïve, just on the sunshine and roses side of life. I’m down here with the snakes and mud. Happily.” She spoke in a lighthearted tone. “You were all excited about some man named Greek Yogurt, so tell me about him. Go on!” Rosie snapped, a crooked smile on her face as she reached for a bread roll.

“His name is Roman Wilde, but I know you know that, smartass.” They both cracked up. “Look, I don’t want to hear your shit, but I do want to tell you about him. What a conundrum.” Genesis tapped her lower lip. “Decisions, decisions.”

“I’ll make the decision for you. Yes, to both of those. You will hear my shit, and I want to hear about him. I promise to be on my best behavior, and to give peace a chance. Go on, now. This lunch break can only be extended so long before they start calling my phone.”


“Them people under the stairs… Boss lady. Women keep havin’ babies. I’m on break, don’t they know that?”

They burst into laughter again.

“Okay, so for years I’ve heard about this man from Tony. My brother and Roman were in the Marines together. That’s where they met.”

Rosie jumped in her seat, and her mouth dropped. “You’ve been screwin’ your brother’s best friend?! Oh, this is juicy!” Rosie stated excitedly.

“Shhh! You’re talking too loud. Stop interrupting me and let me finish,” Genesis whispered, flustered. She went on and filled her friend in. “…And so, that’s how it is. That’s where we stand.”

When their food arrived, they made quick work of eating during their chat.

“Hmph,” Rosie said around a mouthful of food. “I’m going to have to marinate on this for a while. You’ve been awfully hush-hush about this. Hiding secrets like the CIA. I’m your best friend, and you’re just now telling me about him.” Her tone cooled with disapproval.

“I wanted to be sure that it was something worth reporting in the first place. It could have just ended up as a couple of dates, but now we’re actually together, so… of course I had to fill you in.” Rosie nodded in understanding.

“Gen, you’re blushing. You really like him.” Rosie smiled big and bright.

“I do… I care about him a lot, actually.” She stirred uneasily in her chair.

“Let me see a picture of him.”

Genesis dipped her spoon in her tortilla chowder. “Looks don’t matter.” She didn’t look up.

“Mmmm hmmm, bitch. This mothafucka is White, isn’t he? Give me your phone.” She wagged her fingers, motioning her to hand over the evidence.

Genesis practically spit her food out, laughing so hard with her friend, people began to notice. Genesis conceded, pulled up a couple of selfies of her and Roman, and gave Rose her phone.

“I thought we had an agreement that you were done with the White boys after Rico’s Cuban ass, and the guy from California that tried to make you join his cult.” Rosie giggled as she took the phone. Then her smile slowly faded. “…Damn. Okay. I can see why you made an exception.” Her eyebrow rose in a discerning manner. “This handsome fucker is FINE!” And then more laughter.

“As far as the White thing, we never agreed to that, Rosie. You told me it was more trouble than it was worth. I just didn’t respond.” Rosie shrugged as she returned her phone to her. “You know I’ve always been open. I’ve dated all sorts of men. Race is the least of my worries.”

“I was just teasin’ you. It’s not important. Men are mostly assholes regardless of the color of their skin. Anyway, we better get going. Let me get a to-go container for the rest of this salad.” Rosie started searching for their waitress who hadn’t returned since she’d dropped off their food.


