Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 73556 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 368(@200wpm)___ 294(@250wpm)___ 245(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 73556 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 368(@200wpm)___ 294(@250wpm)___ 245(@300wpm)
“Never heard from him again, thank goodness. Then another man who looked like a rotten boiled egg with long toothpick legs had the nerve to tell me that I was a little darker than most women he dated, but since I was pretty, he’d let that go. I told him thank you for making an exception for lil’ ol’ black me, but that I liked my eggs scrambled, poached or fried, not usually hardboiled and left out to spoil on the kitchen counter. I made it clear that he was cute for a breakfast food or Easter egg hunt, so I’d let the fact that he literally looked like somethin’ a chicken shot out her ass go. Ol’ Humpty Dumpty lookin’ ass.” She crossed her arms and bit on her lower lip as a new surge of anger and amusement simultaneously swelled within her from the incredible memory.
Roman was cracking up big time now, holding onto the steering wheel with both hands as he seemed to try to regain his composure.
“I’ve had a few bad dates, too, but nothin’ like that. We have the same sense of humor.” The man looked at her from the corner of his eye as he made the declaration.
“Yeah, I noticed that during our first date. We talk about folks like a dog if they get on our nerves. I’m nice as can be, but if you try me, I will put you in your place. I’m quick with the insults, if need be, but I’m not the one to usually start any mess. I just end it.” He nodded in agreement. “My daddy used to tell me I was a smartass.”
“Mine too. He still does, actually. I consider it a compliment at this point. Did you have not one good Tinder date? Or maybe from another similar app?”
“You just want to laugh at my expense.” She chortled.
“I don’t care who’s payin’ for the comedy, but yeah, this shit is hilarious!” He giggled, making her smile all the harder. He had a great laugh. Roman’s voice was deep and smooth, but when he laughed, it was high pitched and silly. Such a duality.
“Well, I had some that were okay. Just had no chemistry, or the guy catfished me, but seemed nice nevertheless.”
“Folks still catfishin’ in this day and age?” Daniel’ Caesar’s, ‘Let Me Go,’ lulled her back into a peaceful, pink blissful bubble of tranquility.
“Yes, unfortunately. With all of this new technology you’d think people would know better.”
“Yeah, I know. I meant it more like a statement.” She nodded in understanding. “It’s too easy to get caught nowadays, but some people, especially older folks, aren’t as capable of spotting imposters and scam artists. I dabble in a little IT and computer stuff, too. I like it. I build people’s websites for fun and a little extra income on the side.”
“Oh, wow! Look at you. A prosperous Goldman Sachs Associate, Marine and web designer, too.”
“I’m also a fifth-degree black belt in Taekwondo, received multiple awards while in the military and was unfairly discharged, but that’s another story for another day. Oh, and I’m a great kisser and amazing poker player, to boot.”
“Humble, too. Make sure you add that to your resume, Roman.” She made sure her tone was quite serious, though inside she was brimming with amusement. “You’re just as meek and modest as you wanna be.” They glanced at one another and burst out laughing. “I need a website myself.”
“A website for what?”
“I make jewelry. Brooches. Earrings. Bracelets. Even watchbands. Things like that.”
“That’s nice. My mama is good at that sort of thing, too, but she doesn’t do it much anymore. Do you buy the materials from a craft store, or construct ’em some other way?”
“I buy materials from craft stores, but also make many of my pieces by hand out of glass and clay. I also do some diamond pieces, but of course those are custom and cost significantly more. I’m pretty good. Been doin’ it for years.”
“Do you sell your work in person, like at fairs and craft bazaars?”
“I have, but I sell my creations mainly on Etsy and have a 4.8 rating. I’m a Star Seller. Still, I need a dedicated website, too, so I can sell direct. Etsy keeps raising their prices for vendors. I tried one of those free websites years ago, but it didn’t look right, and I couldn’t get it to take other types of currency.”
“I can help you with that. We can sit down and discuss it.”
“For real? Thank you!”
“You’re welcome. I like helpin’ people with their business ventures. If you are willin’ to put in the work, there’s a lot of money to be made for small business owners. Work hard, play hard, but always get paid.”
“Speaking of that, what made you decide to become a stockbroker and financial Associate?”