The Black Sheep – Part 1 Greed (The Seven Deadly Kins #3) Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: The Seven Deadly Kins Series by Tiana Laveen

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 73556 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 368(@200wpm)___ 294(@250wpm)___ 245(@300wpm)

“You don’t care about ever gettin’ married?”

“It’s not that, but marriage is not a badge of honor, at least not like how it used to be. You get hitched to the wrong person, and your life could be ruined. Married women have shorter lifespans. You didn’t ask for all that information, but I feel like this: if it’s meant to be, it will be. If a relationship leads to marriage, let it happen organically. I am not asking for anythin’ like that from anyone ever again, because I like the freedom of knowing that I can jump ship if things start getting rough and rocky, and I want to be chosen. Not the one who begged, pleaded, or gave ultimatums. I used to be a long hauler. Now? You must be worth the long haul, and if I have to ask you for it, then you’re definitely not the one. You only have to show me one time that you don’t wanna be bothered with me. I won’t ask no questions, and you won’t have to tell me no lies.”

She felt as if she may be talking too much, even if he seemed to be hooked on her words. He barely blinked as she was explaining this past relationship. What inferences was he making? What conclusions was he drawing?

Soon, they were splitting dessert—a large, decadent slice of gourmet chocolate mousse cake. Two silver spoons slid past one another in a valley of dark, velvety brown pureness. She liked how he licked his lips after he swallowed. In fact, she liked how he chewed, as if he was really enjoying it, but it wasn’t obnoxious or loud.

“How about you?” She smiled as she slipped her spoon into a dollop of raspberry sauce.

“How about me as far as what?” He placed his spoon down and grabbed his glass of water.

“Last relationship?”

“Well, it depends on what you call a relationship. If you mean someone I was seeing exclusively, then that didn’t happen often.”

“That’s what I mean.” She took a spoonful of the vanilla ice-cream.

“It’s been a long while. Look, Genesis, I don’t know what Tony told you, but most of it is probably accurate. I’m not going to lie or try to pretend when the truth is enough. I’m not afraid of commitment, I just don’t do it often. Like you, I enjoy my freedom, but I’m not opposed to gettin’ hitched one day. I don’t see it as some chore or a prize for the right girl. I see it as something that I need to be certain about. Sometimes, I get bored. I can look at spreadsheets with numbers and pie charts on them all damn day without any issue, but when it comes to women, well, it’s more complicated. Women are harder than math. That both excites and scares me.”

“Did you just come to that realization sittin’ right here, right now with me?”

He hesitated for a moment, then stretched his arm along the back of his chair. “I believe that I did.”

She smiled at him and licked her spoon real slow. “My brother told me you were a good guy. Tony said, ‘If you’re ever in a fight, Roman is who you call. If you need someone to help you with your financial portfolio, Roman is your man. If you have a cute sister or sexy cousin, keep him away. He’s a playboy, and he breaks hearts for fun.’ And that’s why he didn’t want us going out. Tony wasn’t no angel, either.” She huffed, her stomach about to burst. She placed her spoon down and crossed her arms. “Dinner never hurt anyone.”

“…Unless it was from Taco Bell.”

She burst out laughing. “Yeah… yeah.” She nodded in agreement. “I had a few close calls with them over the years, too.”

They drew quiet and simmered in the ambiance. Soft lights. Soft music.

“Well, Roman, it’s getting late.” She glanced at her watch. “I’ve had a nice evening. A great evening, but I better get goin’.”

“I had a great time with you, too.”

Roman did that arm wave thing he’d done a few times during the evening, and soon he had the bill. She could have sworn she’d seen 4 digits on that notice, but didn’t want to believe her eyes. Had they really eaten that much food? Maybe they had—all of it self-indulgent and heavenly.

“I can help with the bill.”

“You already CashApp’ed me five hundred,” he teased, causing her to laugh. “No, no… this is my treat, Genesis. Like I said, I was going to ask you out anyway.”

It wasn’t long before he had her hand in his and headed outside the restaurant with her. The valet went to retrieve her Jeep Wrangler.

He kept his fingers wrapped around hers, his hand large, warm, strong. She looked at their intertwined fingers. His fingernails were perfectly trimmed. There was a slight roughness to his palms, as if at one point in his life, he’d worked hard with his hands.


