Taming Lia – No Safeword Read Online Claire Thompson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 88350 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 442(@200wpm)___ 353(@250wpm)___ 295(@300wpm)

Beau lowered himself on top of her, pinning her to the mattress with his body. His cock was like an iron bar between them. She shifted and he felt her small, cool fingers curl around his hot shaft. Arching her hips, she spread her legs and guided him toward her still-slick cunt. He groaned with pleasure as he entered her.

Beau took his time, stroking her with his cock and his fingers as he kissed her mouth and suckled her spongy-hard nipples. He could actually feel her body temperature rising as sweat slicked between them.

This time when she was teetering on the edge of orgasm, he commanded, “Ask for permission, slave. Don’t come until I say yes.”

“Oh, god,” she moaned, a deep shudder shaking her beneath him. “Please, Sir. May I come?”

“Not yet,” he breathed as he ground his pelvis against her clit.

“Ah,” she cried, trembling. “I can’t help—”

“Now,” he commanded, cutting her off. “Now you may come for me.”

With a long, keening wail, she shuddered, her fingers digging into his back as she spasmed beneath him. His body responded in kind, and he came a moment later, her name tumbling from his lips as he let himself go.

When they both were spent, he slid his arms around her and rolled to his back, taking her with him. His cock slipped out of her as she shifted and curled into his side, her soft cheek resting against his chest. She made a soft sound in her throat, almost as if she were purring.

A deep, pleasant exhaustion moved through him, melting his muscles into the mattress as his eyelids closed of their own accord. The closeness of her against him felt like something he’d needed all his life and never known he was without.

With a contented sigh, he fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

Chapter 27

Lia opened her eyes, for a moment completely disoriented. She was in her own bed, the comforting fairy lights sparkling against the soft drape of fabric. A heavy, masculine arm was around her shoulders and her cheek rested on a smooth, firm chest.

The events of the evening rushed back as she came fully awake. Seeing Beau in the arms of that woman had created a pang of jealousy so sharp it had felt like being snapped with a rubber band—one big enough to knock her on her ass.

But then, as if she had been starring in her very own romance movie, Beau had appeared at her door, showing a vulnerable side of himself she’d never seen. It couldn’t have been easy for him. Guys weren’t always the best at sharing their deepest emotions, and dominant guys could be even worse.

It had taken courage to show up at his place, but it had taken just as much for him to show up at hers.

Caught as she was beneath Beau’s arm, she couldn’t see the small digital clock she kept on the nightstand. A sliver of moon glowed outside her window. She let her mind drift back over the amazing events of this wild night.

When he’d said those incredibly sexy things about binding her on a cross and piercing her, she’d nearly come on the spot. Somehow, the man had tapped into one of her deepest, sexiest fantasies. Had he meant what he said, or was it just part of his foreplay? Either way, she’d been more turned on than she’d ever been in her life. Period.

She thought back over other men she’d had sex with. Most were forgettable. Of the few she still remembered fondly, rope, cuffs and impact toys had always been a part of the equation. Sometimes she wasn’t sure afterward if it had been the actual guy or simply his skill with BDSM play that had done the trick.

But Beau was the first man who had ever made love to her. The realization was both startling and a little terrifying. “Oh, my god,” she whispered to the sleeping man beside her. “I’m in love with you.”

He continued to breathe deep and even, his chest rising and falling.

Lia carefully eased herself out from under the deadweight of Beau’s arm. “Do you love me, too?” she whispered, her heart suddenly hammering in her chest.

He made a snuffling sound but otherwise didn’t move.

Slow down, she admonished herself as she tiptoed to the bathroom and slid the pocket door silently closed. You spent a week together followed by a week apart. Yes, tonight has been amazing, but you need to slow down and stay where your feet are.

Even as she gave herself this warning, she couldn’t help the bubble of pure joy that rose in her chest. Maybe it was too soon to say it out loud, but the facts were the facts. She wanted to wear his collar and she wanted him to claim her with his needles and his ropes. She was smitten, and there was no going back.


