Taming Lia – No Safeword Read Online Claire Thompson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 88350 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 442(@200wpm)___ 353(@250wpm)___ 295(@300wpm)

She felt the pleasant soreness of a well-used cunt as she peed and wiped herself. Her stomach rumbled, making her remember she’d been too on edge earlier to eat much dinner. There was a pint of butter pecan ice cream in her tiny freezer with her name on it.

She tiptoed through the bedroom to the kitchenette and retrieved the ice cream along with a spoon. Taking the entire pint to the living room, she plopped down on a beanbag chair. As she spooned the sweet, creamy confection into her mouth, she thought about the incredible intimacy of their first kiss.

At the first touch of his mouth on hers, her body had melted into a pool of butter. As their kisses had grown deeper and more urgent, time had stalled, everything around them disappearing. It was just his lips, his skin, the heat of his body against hers.

She still couldn’t quite believe she’d let him—no, let’s be accurate here—she begged him—to put his mouth on her sex. She could count on the fingers of one hand how often she’d let a guy go down on her. And it wasn’t just because she found their slobbering and over-focus directly on her clit incredibly annoying. No, even when the guy knew what he was doing, something about it had always made her feel nervous and far too vulnerable.

But with Beau… Oh. My. God. She’d nearly died from the intensity of that rolling, endless orgasm. And then he’d entered her with that huge, perfect cock… Normally, a cock that size would have taken some getting used to. But she’d been so slick with desire it had almost been embarrassing. She couldn’t remember ever being more aroused in her life.

Lia became aware of a pulsing throb intensifying between her legs. Rising from the beanbag, she returned to the kitchenette and put what was left of the ice cream back in the freezer.

Beau hadn’t moved from his position on his back, his head turned to the side, eyes closed.

She climbed quietly back into bed and maneuvered herself between his thighs. Cupping his warm balls with a feather-light touch, she carefully lowered her mouth over his shaft. As she suckled, it rapidly expanded and thickened in her mouth.

She shifted to her knees to take him in deeper. All those fellatio training classes at The Enclave her first time there had paid off. She eased down until she had the full length of him in her mouth, the head of his cock lodged in her throat. She was able to keep her throat open and relaxed as she received her Master’s cock.

Her Master…

Suddenly, a strong hand clamped the back of Lia’s head, pushing his cock even deeper into her throat. She gasped at the unexpectedness of his touch, while her cunt gushed with moisture at the dominant gesture.

After a moment, he loosened his grip on her head and reached for her shoulders with both hands. He pulled her up and onto his thighs. His beautiful cock glistened with her kisses.

There was fire in his gaze as he placed his hands on her hips and lifted her effortlessly onto his shaft. He lowered her carefully, though she was so wet he needn’t have. As he filled her, she moaned with helpless, scorching need, her craving sharper than hunger.

His hands slid down her sides, sending shivers of heat over her skin. As he moved inside her, her pleasure became an ever-expanding cloud that threatened to burst her apart. It was a pleasure so fierce it could have been pain. It consumed her until all that was left of her was pure, raw sensation.

All at once, he flipped her over and covered her body with his. His cock was still inside her, filling her completely. His tongue opened her mouth as he cupped her hips in his palms. She twisted beneath him to free her arms, which she brought around him. She was greedy for the hot, bare skin of his muscled back. He was so warm, so solid and sure atop her.

One of his hands slid between her legs. She cried out as a tsunami of sensation crested through her, threatening to drown her with its force. Her body arched off the bed, her hands clutching the sheets for anchor, her legs hooking around his to draw his body even closer.

She wanted to speak, to ask her Master for permission, to whisper her love, love, love… But she had lost all control of her body, her mouth, language, thought, any awareness but this dark, encompassing, overwhelming sensation. It lifted her to the top of the cresting wave and hurtled her up, up, up until she was nothing but a tiny spark floating in a perfect, dark sky…

Dawning sunlight filtered through the gauzy fabric that hung from the walls, bathing the room in a golden, diaphanous glow. Lia looked so at peace lying in the middle of the disheveled bed that Beau didn’t have the heart to wake her.


