Taming Lia – No Safeword Read Online Claire Thompson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 88350 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 442(@200wpm)___ 353(@250wpm)___ 295(@300wpm)

His own heart was beating fast as he stripped her. She lay naked and lovely before him like an invitation, like a gift.

Reaching for his own shirt, he pulled it off and dropped it over the side of the bed. Her eyes moved over his face and down to his chest, her tongue appearing on her lower lip. She held out her arms to him once more.

“No,” he said. “Lift your arms over your head on the mattress and leave them there. I want to explore your body.”

“Oh,” she whispered, her eyes widening. And then, “Yes, Sir.”

Shifting on the bed, Beau crouched between Lia’s legs, gently forcing them apart. He stroked her soft cheek and let his fingers trail down her throat. He smoothed her shoulders and ran his hands over her abdomen. He cupped her breasts, enjoying the sensation of her nipples poking against his palms. She arched her back, her eyes heavy-lidded, her breathing uneven.

He kissed along her sternum and traced the arcs of her hip bones with his lips. Her skin was heating beneath his touch, her breath coming faster as her chest heaved.

He ran his hands along her sides, which made her shiver. Leaning up over her, he let his teeth scrape lightly against her neck. Trailing down, he closed his lips over a nipple and flicked it with his tongue. Her soft moan spurred him to bite the tender bud, lightly at first, and then harder.

As she sucked in a sharp breath, he released the engorged nipple and murmured, “You would look lovely with pierced nipples, Lia. Would you like it if I bound you to a cross and pierced your nipples with my needle? Would you wear my jewelry as a symbol of my ownership of that perfect body?”

“Ooh,” she moaned. “Yes, please, Sir.”

He sucked her other nipple into his mouth, drawing another sexy moan from her sweet lips. Releasing it, he licked along her jugular, feeling the rapid pulse of her heart. She shuddered at his touch and sighed softly.

His cock was hard, his balls tight. Rolling from her a moment, he yanked down his fly and pulled off his jeans and underwear. Naked, cock bobbing, he knelt again between her legs and placed his hands on either thigh to spread her open.

Her lovely cunt glistened with her juices, the scent of her arousal like a powerful aphrodisiac. Lowering his head, he planted tiny kisses along the warm crevices between her mons and her thighs. She shuddered again.

He ran his tongue in a lazy circle over the triskelion tattoo on her mons. She arched her hips, legs lolling wide, her invitation clear.

“Please,” she begged throatily.

Unable to hold back any longer, he dipped his head and let his tongue snake over her plump, slick labia. She moaned, the sound primal and deeply sensual. He lapped at the sweet folds, purposely avoiding the hard nubbin of her clit.

“I’m going to pierce your perfect cunt, too, Lia.” He reached for her labia, catching a bit of the slippery, soft flesh between thumb and forefinger. “The needle will slide in slowly. You’ll need to stay absolutely still so I don’t tear the flesh. Do you understand, slave girl?”

She was actually shaking now, her breath a ragged pant. Her hands had clenched into fists. “Yes, oh god, yes. I want that, Sir. I want you,” she pleaded. “Please, Master Beau.”

Her use of the honorific sent a surge of power through his blood. He lifted his head, the spicy-sweet taste of her on his tongue. “Tell me what you want right now, in this moment. Tell me what you need.”

“I want,” she gasped. “I want you to make me come, Sir. With your mouth. With your cock. Please, Sir.” Her voice cracked. “Please, Beau. Make love to me.”

He lowered his head again, this time flicking his tongue over and around her swollen, pulsing clit. She cried out, her hand flying down to grasp the sides of his head. His face still buried in her hot, sweet sex, he gripped her wrists, holding them tight as he licked and suckled her until she was bucking beneath him.

“Oh, god,” she cried. “Please,” she panted. “Please fuck me, Master Beau. I’m going to die if you don’t fuck me right now.”

Releasing her wrists, Beau rose over her and fisted his cock. “Look at me,” he commanded as he guided the shaft toward her entrance.

Lia opened her eyes, which blazed golden in the dim fairy lights that sparkled around the room. Her gaze was hot and wild, her lust as palpable as his own.

Their eyes remained locked on one another as he slid into her silken, blazing heat. He groaned with pleasure so intense it was almost painful. She was so perfectly, mind-meltingly tight. It was as if she’d been custom-made for him.

He lowered his weight over her, pressing her into the mattress. Reaching beneath her, he cupped her ass as he swiveled inside her. She whimpered with pleasure, her arms circling his neck.


