Taming Lia – No Safeword Read Online Claire Thompson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 88350 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 442(@200wpm)___ 353(@250wpm)___ 295(@300wpm)

Beau continued, “I thought it was you when I opened my door, Lia.” His voice cracked with emotion, which brought fresh tears to Lia’s eyes. “I wanted it to be you.”

“Oh, Beau,” she whispered to the closed door.

“I’ve been a total jerk. I can’t blame you for being pissed. I walked away from something amazing because of my own issues and fears. I spent the last week talking myself into believing there was no way we could work out, long term.”

She rose again on tiptoe to peer at him through the peephole.

Beau blew out a breath and ran his hand through his hair, leaving it adorably tousled. “I fucked up, Lia. I ended things so abruptly between us, not because I was afraid there was nothing there, but because I knew there was. I was a coward, Lia. I wanted to protect my stupid heart from another break. Which is ridiculous, because what are hearts for, if not to break and mend and grow stronger in the process?”

As Beau spoke, Lia felt as if her body were growing lighter and lighter. As if she might at any moment rise into the air and hover there like that thing with feathers.

“Please, Lia. If you’re there listening to me now, please open the door.”

She placed her hand again on the knob.

Heart racing, she turned it.

Chapter 26

Beau’s heart seized at the sight of Lia’s face. She’d obviously been crying, and it was his fault.

“Oh, Lia,” he breathed, reaching for her. “I’m so, so sorry.”

She took a step back, wrapping her arms protectively around her chest.

It was then he saw the rope collar around her neck, the same simple knot he’d first tied for her at her throat. She must have cut a piece from the harness he’d had her wear at the family dinner.

Beau’s heart seized with tenderness at the gesture, his reaction a hundred and eighty degrees from the confused irritation he’d felt on seeing that old leather collar around Renee’s neck. Taking a step toward her, he reached out to run his finger along the collar.

“Lia,” he said gently. “I know what it took for you to seek me out. I’m so grateful that you did, and terribly sorry things got so messed up in the process.” He let his finger trail from the collar to her soft cheek.

As he spoke, her arms slowly unwound from around her torso and dropped to her sides. Still, she didn’t speak.

How could he reach her?

On an impulse, he dropped to his knees and wrapped his arms around her legs. Looking up into her face, he said, “I never should have let you go, Lia. Not for one second. I let my own shit get in the way of us. And I hurt you in the process. Can you forgive me?”

She stared down at him, a play of emotions moving over her face. Her mouth worked as if she were about to speak.

“Say something,” he urged, smiling to soften his pleading tone.

“It’s about time you came to your senses,” she said, her lush mouth curving into an impish grin.

With a whoop of pure joy, Beau wrapped his arms tighter around Lia’s legs and rose to his feet with her in his arms. Before she could react, he tossed her easily over his shoulder.

“Hey,” she cried, half laughing, half indignant as she pummeled his back with her small fists. “What the heck do you think you’re doing?”

Beau strode purposely through the maze of beanbag chairs and hanging plants. “What I should have done last week. I’m taking you to bed.”

As he entered her tiny bedroom, which twinkled with fairy lights, he kicked off his loafers. He flipped Lia from his shoulder onto the mattress. Falling onto the bed beside her, he drew her into his arms and pressed his lips to hers, letting his longing pour into the kiss. After a moment, her lips parted, her tongue darting to meet his. The kiss deepened, reigniting the fire that had smoldered beneath the surface from the moment they’d first scened together.

It was Beau who broke the kiss, but only so he could gently push Lia onto her back. Her lips still parted, her pupils dilated, Lia reached for him.

“Come back,” she demanded, a cute pucker appearing between her eyebrows.

Beau chuckled. “Still as impatient as ever,” he teased. “Lift your arms over your head. I’m going to take off your shirt.”

She opened her mouth as if she was going to protest. But then she closed it. Her eyes fixed on his, she obeyed. Beau pulled the T-shirt over her head. She wore no bra and her lovely nipples stiffened as he stared down at them, a faint flush moving over her chest.

He tugged at the fly of her jeans, releasing the metal buttons that held it closed. As he reached to drag the pants down her legs, Lia obligingly lifted her hips. He saw that she was trembling slightly, the flush on her chest now moving up her throat.


