Taming Lia – No Safeword Read Online Claire Thompson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 88350 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 442(@200wpm)___ 353(@250wpm)___ 295(@300wpm)

At least once a week, Master Beau invited Lia to come to his office for a quick reminder of her status as his prized possession. Sometimes the text came during her morning break, other times during lunch. She never knew which day his summons might come. She did her best not to anticipate and was mostly successful.

The visits were never longer than a few minutes, given their schedule constraints and need for discretion. Sometimes he would direct her to lean over his desk and flip up her skirt or lower her pants. He kept a small leather bit in his desk drawer. He would give it to her to bite on to help her remain silent while he used her. He might give her a single flick of the small whip he kept in his messenger bag for the purpose. Or he might tease her cunt, bringing her rapidly to the edge of climax, though never allowing her to come. She was only permitted to orgasm at home or when they were with scene friends, and then only when it pleased her Master.

Today he had texted her at the end of her workday as she was preparing to head home. End of the day visits to his office were always the best, as the history department support staff was usually gone by the time she arrived. Because of that, Master Beau was freer to use her as it pleased him without risk of their being discovered.

Now, as she entered his building, she clasped the beautiful rose gold Celtic love knot necklace he had given her at Christmas that served as her collar when out in the vanilla world. Her entire body thrummed with anticipation as she took the stairs to Master Beau’s floor.

Because it was a Friday and snowing to boot, the floor appeared to be deserted as she walked along the hallway that led to Master Beau’s office. Though the door was ajar, she knocked lightly. Beau was wearing the soft blue-green cashmere sweater she’d given him for Christmas that brought out the forest green of his beautiful eyes.

At her knock, he looked up, flashing his brilliant smile. “Come in.”

Lia entered and closed the door with a soft click.

“Lock it,” he directed. “Hang your coat and then come kneel on your cushion.”

Master Beau had placed the floor cushion he kept at the office for her near his desk. Lia quickly removed her coat and draped it on a peg on the hat rack just inside the door. As she knelt on the cushion, Master Beau swiveled in his chair to face her. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw the single-tail whip resting on his lap.

“Unbutton your blouse and unhook your bra,” he directed. She had taken to wearing bras that clasped in the front in order to be more accessible to her Master. She quickly obeyed, her nipples stiffening beneath his fiery gaze.

Master Beau opened his drawer and withdrew the leather bit. As he held it to her mouth, she dutifully parted her lips and accepted the gag.

“Cup your breasts and hold them up for the lash,” he commanded in a low, sexy voice.

Heart tapping rapidly against her ribcage, Lia obeyed.

Master Beau lifted the whip and brought it down across both breasts with a single whistling stroke. The erotic pain turned into lightning as it crackled over her flesh. Lia bit down hard on the leather to keep from crying out as a red welt rose across her pale skin.

Eyes glittering, Master Beau removed the gag from her mouth.

“Thank you, Sir,” she said breathlessly, savoring the lingering erotic pain.

“You’re welcome, slave.”

Setting the whip aside, Master Beau rose to his feet and unbuckled his pants. Opening the fly, he pulled out his shaft, which was hardening before her eyes. Moving closer, he gripped the back of her head as he guided his cock into her mouth.

Without preamble, he thrust all the way in, gagging her with his thick, hard shaft. Lia closed her eyes, focusing on opening herself fully to her Master. He used her roughly, rutting in her mouth as he fucked her face, his fingers twisting in her hair. She loved every second of it.

He came quickly with a small, strangled cry. Pulling out, he slapped her cheek lightly with his shiny cock as she swallowed every precious drop of his seed.

“Thank you, Sir,” she said, submissive joy permeating her being, even while her cunt ached with heat and desire.

“You’re welcome, slave,” he said again.

Zipping up, he resumed his seat at his desk. “Straighten yourself and unlock the door.”

Lia rose at once to her feet. She reclasped her bra and buttoned her blouse, the welt pulsing pleasantly across her breasts. As she unlocked the door, he said, “I’ll see you at home. I have about an hour’s work I have to finish. I’ll expect you to be waiting at the door, as usual.”


