Swallow Me Whole Read Online Gemma James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, BDSM, Erotic, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 91
Estimated words: 87825 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 439(@200wpm)___ 351(@250wpm)___ 293(@300wpm)

“I don’t really dance, but thank you.” I take a sip of my drink and raise my brow at the sweet, fruity taste. A person could get drunk fast off this adult Kool-Aid.

It sure tastes like Kool-aid.

“I don’t either,” he says with a shrug. “But I would’ve gotten out there and embarrassed myself for you.”

It’s at that particular moment I wish I were anywhere else. It’s not that Shane is rude, bad-looking, or has horrible breath. The problem is he’s a man I’d be interested in getting to know, if I weren’t already in love with someone else, and that makes this night feel pointless, not to mention unfair to Shane.

Despite what Mandy said, I feel like I am leading him on.

Music pours through the speakers at a tolerable level that invites conversation, but silence stretches between us as we watch Brett and Mandy bump and grind.

“How long have you guys known each other?” Shane asks, nodding his head toward Mandy.

“Years. It’s hard to say when I met her and Ashton. First or second grade, probably.”

“Ashton’s the twin, right?”


“She told me about their childhood.”

“She did?” Now he’s got my attention. Mandy doesn’t talk about that with just anyone. “What’d she tell you?”

“She said their father took off when they were young, and her mother worked a lot. Sounds like they had it rougher than most, but she doesn’t let it keep her down.” He pauses. “I admire her strength.”

I study the profile of his face. Strong jaw. Wide, sensuous mouth that would draw the attention of any woman with a pulse. Maybe even a few men. As if he senses my scrutiny, he swallows hard, Adam’s apple bobbing, and drags a hand through his thick, brown hair. All the while, his hazel eyes never waver from the sight of Mandy dancing with his brother across the club.

“Have you told her yet?” I ask, breaking the lull in conversation.

His gaze swings in my direction. “Tell her what?”

“That you’re into her.”

“I’m not…why would you think that?”

I lift a brow. “Because it’s true?”

He expels a breath. “She’s my brother’s girl.”

“I don’t think it’s serious.”

“Maybe not on her end.”

I’ve gotta admire his loyalty to his brother, but I feel bad for him. Probably because I recognize the longing on his face. It sucks not being with the one who makes your heart throb, your body sing, your soul sizzle to life.

“Some date I’m turning out to be.” His mouth is a line of apology.

“We’re just two friends hanging out, so I wouldn’t worry about it.”

“Point taken. I don’t blame you. I’m rusty as hell at this.”

“Why’s that?” I’m genuinely intrigued.

“I got out of a long-term relationship a few weeks ago.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Nah, don’t be.” He picks up his beer and takes a swig just as the other half of our quad returns to the table. They slide into the booth across from us, breathing labored and bodies covered in sweat. Mandy wipes away a drop sliding down her temple.

“You guys having fun?” she asks, still catching her breath.

Playing with the straw in my glass, I swirl the ice into a miniature whirlpool. “Yeah. How about you?”

Mandy grins at Brett. “We’re having a blast.” She presses her mouth to his, and in the next instant, they’re sucking face.

And that’s when I know Mandy is clueless about Shane’s interest because she’d never intentionally do something so cruel. Shane and I exchange a glance, and he mutters something about not being able to take his brother anywhere.

I know the feeling.

I finish the rest of my drink, and I’m about to go in search of another as it would take a saint to get through a blind-date—though not really a blind-date—without a good dose of alcohol, and that’s when my cell buzzes from my purse. I ignore it at first. If it’s not my mother begging me to come home for dinner to “work things out,” it’s Ashton.

But ignoring the persistent buzz-buzz is about as easy as ignoring the suckfest happening across the table. With a sigh, I dig out my phone.

Ashton: What are you up to tonight?

Casting a glance around me, I find Shane drinking from his beer, and Mandy and Brett are so tied up in each other, they barely notice my presence. I quickly reply to Ashton’s text.

Me: Nothing much. Just hanging out with Mandy.

Ashton: Really? From where I’m standing it looks like you’re on a fucking date.

My heart thumps painfully in my chest as I gaze around the club, attention landing on anyone with dark hair. Bonus points if they’re wearing black.

But I don’t see Ashton anywhere though I’m pretty sure that’s Bryce sitting at the bar with his back to me. With a frown, I return my attention to my phone.

Me: Are you spying on me?

Ashton: Meet me by the restrooms.

Oh shit.

Swallowing hard, I tap Shane on the shoulder, gesturing that I need to exit the booth. He slides out so I can scoot to the edge. Mandy and Brett unlock their tongues long enough to acknowledge my sudden movement.


