Swallow Me Whole Read Online Gemma James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, BDSM, Erotic, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 91
Estimated words: 87825 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 439(@200wpm)___ 351(@250wpm)___ 293(@300wpm)

Her bravado slips, and she lowers her gaze to her lap.

I tilt her chin up until she has no choice but to look at me. “What’s wrong?”


I study the wideness of her green eyes, the way she’s looking at me without really looking at me, the way she’s almost tugging on her lower lip with her teeth, and that’s when I know she’s spooked.

“You’re scared to make the next move.”

“I’m not scared.”

“Prove it. If you want me, you’re gonna have to come get me.”

Our eyes lock as she reaches out a tentative hand and folds her fingers around me. I draw in a breath, let it out, then swallow a groan. Hell, I don’t want to interrupt—not when her hand is gliding up and down my shaft. Every time she reaches the head, she drags her thumb over the slit, and I almost come from that alone.

“Jesus,” I groan on her fourth trip to my throbbing crown. There’s a new boldness in her expression that excites me too much, and she’s got me too fucking close to embarrassing myself.

“You want my mouth on you?” Her voice is soft and coy, all traces of fear gone. Hearing that bit of confidence creep into her tone is more arousing than it should be.

“Hell yes, I want your mouth on me.”

Every morning and every night for the rest of my life.

She holds my attention captive as she leans down and closes her lips around the head. The fraying thread of my will breaks, and I push my fingers into her hair, urging her mouth further down my shaft. I’ve lost control, and now I’m stealing hers.

“God, Sadie. I can’t stop this. Gonna…fucking…daaaamn.”

She holds my gaze as she deep-throats me, and my control snaps. A long moan strangles from my throat. Lids at half-mast, I take in the satisfied curve of her mouth as she drags the orgasm from me with triumph in her eyes. She licks my cock clear to the tip then settles next to me on the bed.

I crook my finger. “Uh-uh. Get your sexy little ass over here,” I say before pulling her over my lap. I squeeze her left cheek. “You deserve a spanking.”

“Why? What’d I do?”

“You made me blow my load before I was ready.”

“That wasn’t my fault!”

“Oh, it absolutely was.” My hand leaves a firm, satisfying smack that echoes through the suite, but the best part is how she jumps.

“I think you enjoy a good spanking.” I land another one, harder this time.


As she wiggles atop my lap, my semi thinks about growing into a hard piston again. But her mouth isn’t going to cut it because I want more.

I want everything.

Before I do something stupid, I push her off of me. And maybe my frustration is apparent, because she protests with hurt coloring her features, the sharp angles of her face an abstract masterpiece of rejection. To reassure her, I lean over and take her by the mouth, and Sadie melts against me, her tongue eager against mine as we tumble to the mattress. Her body blankets mine, surrounds me in her seductive heat, and we become a tangle of limbs, our hands roaming feverish skin, mouths fused together as she straddles my thighs, her tits smashing against my chest.

I’m dying to thrust inside her. The need is a beast clawing my gut.

Get a grip, asshole.

The mating of our mouths will have to be enough for now. The touch of hands, the sharpness of fingernails. She inches back, and her locks fall in a red curtain around my face. “Were you serious about necking all night?”

“If that’s what you want.” It might kill me, but I’ll do it.

Tucking her bottom lip between her teeth, she searches my face. Her hair is wild and disheveled—just the way I like it—but her expression is pure seriousness.

“I want more, Ash.”

My dick springs to life. So does my heart.

“What do you mean?”

“I want you.”

“You’re on top right now, sweetheart. I don’t think I’m going anywhere.”

“That’s not what I mean.” Closing her eyes, she sucks in a shaky breath. “I want to be with you.”

I lift an unsteady hand and slide it along her cheek, scared to believe I’m reading her right. “You mean a relationship?”

“We can’t go back. Just friends is long gone.”

“Tell me something I don’t know.”

She’s still gnawing on that lip, face pinched in fear, and I hate myself for making her so scared and uncertain about my intentions.

“You’ve got no reason to be afraid.” Lifting my head, I press my forehead against hers. “Look at the affect you have on me. I’m fucking shaking.” I run my thumb across her lips. “No one’s ever made me feel the way you do, Sadie. I’m yours, all the way.”

She blinks the sheen from her jade eyes, then she’s laughing as she covers my mouth with hers. Relieved laughter. Happy-crazy-in-love-laughter.


