Swallow Me Whole Read Online Gemma James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, BDSM, Erotic, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 91
Estimated words: 87825 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 439(@200wpm)___ 351(@250wpm)___ 293(@300wpm)

“This is far from high school. This is a hotel room,” he says, closing the distance until his chest is brushing my aching nipples. “With a huge, comfortable bed. We’re not in the back of a car, and you can be certain I’ll call you tomorrow. And the day after that…” Slowly, he lowers his face and brushes his lips against mine. “And every one after that.”

Now that I’ve given in and gotten to know his lips, I can’t seem to get enough. Grasping his wet hair, I reel him in the rest of the way and attack his mouth. The groan that rumbles from his throat is an addictive and vulnerable sound I’ll never tire of dragging from him. Step by step, he backs me toward the bed, then he scoops me up, naked skin against naked skin, and falls with me onto the mattress. I wrap my legs around him as he blankets my body, his erection hot and heavy between my thighs, just begging for release inside me.

“I want you, Ash.” The declaration escapes my mouth with a gasp, and I wish I could yank it back.

“You’re testing my will here.” He leans his forehead against mine, breaths a rapid succession of shudders against my well-kissed lips. “I’m not fucking you. I want so much more than that.”

That scares the shit out of me. Ashton doesn’t do relationships. “You’re going to break my heart.”

“The last thing I want to do is break your heart.”

“You might not mean to, but I know you.” I draw in a deep breath. “What if we made a huge mistake?”

“We are not a mistake.”

The hurt in his expression is too much, so I shutter my eyes. “Ash…you’re my friend.”

“Uh-uh, look at me,” he demands, prompting me to lock my gaze on his. “Do I look like a man who thinks of you as a friend?”

He looks like a man who wants to swallow me whole. This conversation is getting too heavy…or maybe I’m just not ready for it yet. I veer my attention to the clock on the nightstand. It’s almost eight, and my stomach rumbles, reminding me I haven’t eaten dinner. And it’s the perfect distraction, the perfect interruption to cool this thing between us before it explodes.

“You mentioned room service.”

He studies me for several seconds, gaze wandering over every inch of my face, then with a sigh, he pushes off the mattress. “Okay, Sawyer. We’ll do things your way for now, but don’t think this is going away.” With a smirk, he glances at his erection, making it clear he’s talking about more than just the issue of us.

Not that there is an us.

As he grabs his jeans off the floor, I go for my dress, but his words stop me. “Don’t even think about it.”

“I’m not going to sit here naked while they bring in room service.”

“No one’s seeing a thing. Now get back in bed and let me worry about dinner.”

“Are you ordering dessert too?” I can’t help a flirty grin from spreading across my face. I settle against the headboard and pull the sheet above my breasts, and he returns my grin.

“I think we both know what’s for dessert, sweetheart.” Blue eyes sparkling, he zips up his pants but leaves the button undone. He’s still hard behind that zipper, and unashamed about it as he picks up the hotel phone to put in our dinner order.

Chapter Twenty-six


Sadie’s licking the honey sauce off her fingers from the wings we just gorged on, and I’m transfixed by the show. Before she sucks her ring finger into her mouth, I grab her hand and close my lips around the sticky, sweet digit. Her eyes darken, and I let her finger go with a pop.

“Tastes much better on you.” I lean back on the bed and flaunt my erection, having stripped as soon as the door shut behind the guy who brought us dinner. Clothes aren’t needed between Sadie and me.

Not tonight.

We stare at each other for several moments, but eventually she loses the battle of wills. Her attention lowers to my lap, and I watch her watch me, wondering if she’ll take the initiative.

Fuck, I hope she does. I want her mouth on me more than anything, but I want her to take the lead this time. At the thought of her lips sliding down my shaft, my cock twitches.

Sadie licks her lips, and a second later, her eyes flick up to meet mine. “Is it painful?”

I bite back a smirk. She’s so damn innocent in ways that continue to surprise me. “I’m not answering that. You either want to suck me off, or you don’t. The choice is yours.”

Her brows form perfect arches. “Thought you said you were calling the shots?”

Christ, I can’t help but take that as a challenge. “I am, Sawyer, and the next move is yours.”


