Swallow Me Whole Read Online Gemma James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, BDSM, Erotic, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 91
Estimated words: 87825 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 439(@200wpm)___ 351(@250wpm)___ 293(@300wpm)

“Whatcha doing?” she asks.

“I need to use the restroom. I’ll be right back.” I make my way through the crowd and find Ashton leaning against the wall outside the men’s restroom.

Either I’m starved for the sight of him, or he’s never looked hotter.

Low-slung jeans, faded from working outside. Fitted long-sleeved black shirt that emphasizes the broadness of his shoulders and hugs his abs just right. I have the strongest urge to press against him, to wrap myself in his heat and woodsy smell. As soon as I’m within reach, he grabs me by the arm and hauls me through the back door and into the designated smoking area.

And then I am pressed against his chest, my back to the concrete wall as he shelters me from the cool breeze of fall. It’s a pure Ashton move, and I’m light-headed and a bit delirious.

He leans down until our lips are inches apart. “Are you trying to hurt me?”

“Of course not.”

He slides a palm against my cheek, his touch incongruent with the fervor in his eyes. “You’re on a date—a fucking date. Do you know how that makes me feel?”

“Do you know how it made me feel to see you and Corinne shopping for groceries together? You two seemed like the perfect little family.” I wince at the bite in my tone, but I can’t help it.

I’m jealous.

And obviously, the jealousy goes both ways, or he wouldn’t have me against a wall in the alley behind the club, staking his claim with the heat of his hands and the determination in his eyes.

Widening his stance, he wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me flush against his body. “I haven’t touched her. I only gave her a ride since her car’s been in the shop. That’s why we were together at the store.” He jerks his head toward the back entrance of the club. “What’s your excuse for the Jake-wannabe in there?”

“I don’t need an excuse. You and I aren’t together.”

He glances down at our joined bodies. “Could’ve fooled me.”

“It’s not a date. We’re just friends.”

“Like you and I are friends?”

“Not even close.”

He shutters his eyes for several seconds. “I miss you so damn much.”

I miss him too. More than I can say. “Isn’t Corinne wondering where you are right now?”

“She’s not my fucking keeper, Sadie.” He cradles my face between his warm hands. “This bullshit with Corinne will be over soon.”

“You don’t really believe that, do you? She’ll still be pregnant, and maybe she won’t be able to yank on your leash by threatening abortion, but she’ll come up with something else. She wants you, Ash, and from what I remember of Corinne in high school, she can be fucking ruthless.”

She never liked me, and now I know why. She probably saw what everyone but Ashton and I saw at the time—a close friendship that masked what neither of us were ready to admit.

“So that’s it, huh?” Ashton shakes his head. “Are we not worth fighting for?”

“It doesn’t matter what I think, or how I feel. You’ve got obligations neither of us can ignore.”

“Try ignoring this.” His hand disappears under the hem of my dress, but he stops short of touching me where I’m aching for it the most.

My breath hitches, and I’m instantly on fire.

“You’re torturing me,” I groan.

“Say the word, and we’re outta here.” He trails his lips along my jawline before reaching the arousing spot beneath my ear. His mouth is greedy and wet and so fucking hot against my neck that my knees almost give out. His teeth sink into my flesh with enough bite to leave a mark.

“Ashton, please…” I don’t even know what I’m pleading for at this point.

“Tell me what to do, and I’ll do it. Just don’t tell me to stop loving you because that isn’t going to happen.”

I’ve never wanted to give in as much as I do now. My body throbs for him. My heart aches for him. My soul is lost without him. But my head is the loudest, and it’s screaming at me to retreat before this goes any further.

Because Ashton Levine will consume me if I let him, and no matter what he claims, he’s not free to be with me.

We might get our chance, but now isn’t it.

“You need to leave me alone,” I say, shoving past him.

“Not a chance.” He’s on my heels as I head back into the club. “Dating other people isn’t going to make you forget what we have. You’ll still think about me, still want me just as much as I want you. Fucking admit it.”


He grabs my arm, halting my progress down the hall, and we step to the side, out of the way of people coming and going. “Why are you so damn scared to let yourself love someone? To let them love you?”


