Pregnant by the Badboy – Bred on Purpose Read Online ChaShiree M

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 46
Estimated words: 40403 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 202(@200wpm)___ 162(@250wpm)___ 135(@300wpm)

Once the helmet is correctly on her head, my heart does some weird flipping shit when she looks up at me, cheeks pink and face bashful. “Be honest,” she starts. “How silly do I look?” She makes some sort of silly face but to me everything about her is sexy and delicious. So instead of answering her, I kiss her sweet lips and move a piece of wayward hair out of her face.

“Gorgeous.” Is all I say before lifting her onto the back of the back. Once I am on I give her instructions. “Keep your arms around my waist, baby. Don’t squeeze. I swear I won’t let you fall or let you get hurt. Just follow my flow of movement and enjoy the breeze. Alright?” She nods, biting her lip. Her eyes drop to the ground before coming back up to me.

“Can I lay my head on your back?” Fucking shit she just punched me in the chest. Hell I even rub the spot above my chest before dropping my hand and answering her.

“Yes.” I respond, my voice a little hoarse and emotional. “You can always lean on me, princess.”

With that out of the way, I put my helmet on, start the bike and before I know it, we are on the road driving toward our destination. Normally when I am on my bike I am blasting Coldplay or Imagine Dragons depending on my day, but right now, feeling her arms around me is calming the storm inside of me. Having her on my bike trusting me, putting her life in my hands is a heavy weight I am honored to bear.

As we drive on, I can feel her heartbeat syncing with mine, further cementing she is the one for me. “This is amazing.” She says into her headset built into the helmet.

“Yeah. I am at peace when I am on my bike with the world whizzing past me.” That was the case until I met her. “How are you doing back there?” I ask her, hoping she is comfortable. “Do you need to stop and stretch your legs baby?” We have been driving only ten minutes but right now, I could care less about time.

“No. I’m good.” She says, adjusting her arms and snuggling into my back.

“We have about ten more minutes to go.”

The last ten minutes are a blur. The world went by us and it was like we were in a bubble. It is not until the bike is turned off and I help her down, the helmet comes off and she swings out her hair that everything comes back. The possessiveness, the need to hold her to my side like another appendage hits me. “I’m excited.” She says wiggling her wide ass hips. My teeth are grinding, thinking about all the limp dick fuckers inside who are going to be getting a woody looking at my woman. She continues to smile up at me, not aware of how close she is to captivity. “Are we going to go in?” She shrugs her shoulders, head cocked to the side trying to figure out what is wrong.

I unball my fist and force myself to relax and show her a great time. “Yeah princess. Let’s go.” Holding my hand out, I lace them together when she places hers in mine.

We make it inside and immediately we are greeted by my buddy’s father. “Hey hey. Haven’t seen you here in a while.” His dad says, shaking my hand. I notice his eyes are curious and keep looking at Mila, but I try to ignore it before I lose my shit on the man who has been more of a father to me than my own.

“Sorry. I have been working and going to school.” I tell him. I look down at Mila and I can see the question in her eyes asking me why I am not introducing her. Fuck. Suck it up, Jacob. “Mr. Hornet, this is my girl, Mila. Mila, this is the man who owns this place and the dad of my friend Dyl.”

“Nice to meet you.” She says smiling at him. “This place is beautiful.” Her face shows the awe.

“Why thank you young lady. Well you two should head up stairs. Everything is in full swing.” I look up and see the place is packed and my gut begins to clench. Why in the hell did I think this was a good idea?

Chapter 5


This place is awesome. The rustic vibe mixed with the string of lights above the beams give it a special glow perfect for a date night. I love how the bar is not a typical place, well what I would assume a typical one to look like. This one is cozy, homey even. It has pictures along the wall of what I assume are their family.


