Pregnant by the Badboy – Bred on Purpose Read Online ChaShiree M

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 46
Estimated words: 40403 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 202(@200wpm)___ 162(@250wpm)___ 135(@300wpm)

“Jake, help me.” She begs. I smirk at her plea, not moving an inch, reveling in the panic and frenzy morphin through her face. I love seeing her out of her mind and desperate.

“Help you what, baby?” I grip her neck and pull her face closer to mine.

“I need to come. I need it. I need it.” She chants over and over. I squeeze her neck a bit harder, putting my ear to her mouth so I can hear the struggle from her lungs, feel the trust she has in me to keep her alive, bask in the way her pussy coddles my cock, rippling and jerking him from the inside when she has no control and I have it all. Shit, I’m trying to stay strong, but her pussy is so fucking tight and warm, my cock is leaking, dripping little drops of life inside of her, leaving trails of love along the way.

Finally I release her neck and put both of my hands under her ass. I grip them both, trying to leave bruises that can be seen every time her skirt flies up. I need her to be marked. I need every angle fo her to have some sort of proof that I own every single fucking inch of her slutty pussy, her luscious body and her big heart. “Come with me, angel.” She falls on me, her cries of need getting louder and more urgent. Up and down I drop her on and off my cock, grunting and cursing with each passing moment, my fucking vision threatening to abandon me.

‘Yes, angel. Ride us to the end. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” I feel the spit leave my mouth and pray it lands on her skin. Just another way to have some part of me in her.

“Oooo.” She screams into the night, her ripe cunt, pulling all the come from my cock. “Jake.” is the final thing she says before falling face first onto my chest. Her body is shivering, no longer safe from the cold even though we are both covered in a heated blanket.

“Better?” I ask her, moving the hair from her face. She nods, snuggling into me.

“Yeah. Sorry. I don’t know what got into me. I think I am just emotional. It must be almost time for my period.” She says shrug her shoulders. I don’t say anything but I don’t agree. Last month she got her period but it lasted two days instead of the normal five. She even mentioned how light it was. I was waiting for her to put it together, but she never did. I figured this month when it doesn’t show at all she will figure it out.

“I know I have been busy, baby. I am working for us. For our future.” I don’t dare tell her I have also been moonlighting as a P.I. of sorts, gathering information and names we are going to need to pave the way for us. I sure as shit am not going to tell her what I figured out about her father and how it connects to mine. “I want you to know I would never cheat on you, Mila.” her head lifts at my use of her name. “Never. It dishonors us both when you think otherwise.”

“I know. I really do. I don’t know why I said that, but I trust you Jake. I think I was just missing you.” She pouts and I chuckle, pumping my hips.

“You mean you missed this.” She moans, grinding herself back down before I pull her lips into my mouth and suck them until she whimpers and her pussy begins to leak once more. When I pull back, her mouth is swollen and once again she looks disheveled and in a daze.

“I miss all of it.” I feel the same way.

I spend another few minutes kissing her and letting her know I love her before driving her to her car. I promise to take her out this weekend and wait for her to pull off before I start my bike. “Where is he?” I ask my buddy, Royce, who is helping me with this..operation.

“He is at the casino.” Excellent.

“Do you have a girl that is ready?”

“Yes. Jessa is good to go.”

“Send her in. I will be in the parking lot in twenty.” I start up the bike and begin riding out.

“What do you need?”

“Tell her to clone everything. Oh and have a friend take pictures.”

“No problem.” This is also one of the things that has been pulling my attention for the last month.

Six months ago I found out by accident that my father had racked up a huge gambling debt which was a shock to me because I didn't know he had a vice besides cigars. The same day I discovered the debt, I also found out how he has been paying it back. By helping the local mobster embezzle money from the IRS using a backdoor corporation that doesn’t exist, funneling money through the business and to the Caymans and back.


