Pregnant by the Badboy – Bred on Purpose Read Online ChaShiree M

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 46
Estimated words: 40403 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 202(@200wpm)___ 162(@250wpm)___ 135(@300wpm)

I was flabbergasted at first, my instinct being to tell my mom and try to extricate her from this situation, but then I realized I could use this. I finally had something on my father that when the time came, I could use it to my advantage. Twisted I know but there is no love lost between me and the old man. He has never been much of a father and definitely was the lovey dovey type, so fuck him. The person I feel the most for is my mom. She is mild, meek and so settled into her perceived role as homemaker that she doesn’t realize she is but a shell of herself.

I zoom through the night, the cold air so frigid it almost penetrates my parka if not for the long johns and winter goggles. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket and then the chimes start letting me know Mila is on her computer. My hands twitch, the compulsion to check it right away, see what she is looking up and doing is something I don't think will ever go away. Yes you heard me. I shadowed her computer giving me access to her search history and anything else she does on the web. I know it is a shit thing, but I told you, I need to know everything. Be everywhere even when I cannot be. She is everything to me, my whole world and not knowing kills me.

Hell, how do you think I learned earlier this month what she wants to do with her life. My girl keeps it hidden, camouflaged by a bale of pink flowers and bouncy hair but she is smart as hell. I mean genius smart. She is going to graduate top of ehr class and none of her friends know it. When I bring up college or her future, she changes the subject, circumventing the issue and never telling me what she is thinking. That is fucking with my head and eventually we will discuss it, but for right now I am content to just know what she won’t say. She wants to be a heart surgeon. I know, not what you expected but I will tell you one thing, whatever the hell she wants to be she can be and I will work my ass off making sure she does.

I found out a few weeks ago she was offered full ride scholarships to some of the best Universities of medicine in the country including; John Hopkins University, Northwestern, Yale school of Medicine and many others. I would be a liar if I didn’t admit that it fucked with my head, niggled in my gut thinking about her and my kid somewhere I couldnt be, but it scrapped that shit. I may not have all the answers but in the end we will be together.

A light flashes in my eyes bringin my thoughts back to the present and to the other FUBAR situation I seem to have stumbled upon. “Is your girl inside?” I ask my friend Royce, nodding toward the casino.

“Yeah. You were right. He zeroed right in on her. She is sitting in his lap at the blackjack table.” Perfect. That is the best way to clone his phone.

“Excellent. Do you need anything from me?” I ask him, anxious to get home and check on my woman.

“Not unless you feel you have to stick around. The software will send it right to you when she is done.”

“Sounds like a plan. Then I will head out. This is for your trouble.” I had him an envelope with a stack of bills, knowing he will give the majority of it to the girl. He nods, taking it from me without looking at it.

“There is one thing Monroe. I am having a winter dinner sort of thing next month. My mom’s idea at the location. Just some food my family is fixing, plenty to go around, some family and friends. Mom is trying out her new recipes for the restaurant before she sells it to the public.”

“Hell yeah. You know I am there. I love your mom’s food. I will bring my girl too.”

“Text you time and place.” Starting up my bike, I nod and start driving off. My head is pounding, the magnitude of what the hell is happening weighing on me. See, when I followed my dad to the guy he was working for, I inadvertently stumbled upon Mila’s father also leaving his office. His face was sweaty and his eyes looked wild, panicked even and my own heart began to do jumping jacks. Seeing him leaving that piece of shits place sent a pounding chant in my head, a reverberating drum of warning telling me if he is fucking up, my woman is in danger too. That won’t have. So, this is where we are, me trying to clone his shit so I can figure out how deep in he is and figure out how to fix it so Mila is safe.


