Pregnant by the Badboy – Bred on Purpose Read Online ChaShiree M

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 46
Estimated words: 40403 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 202(@200wpm)___ 162(@250wpm)___ 135(@300wpm)

I whip my head to the side to look at him, positive he will be smiling showing me this is a joke, but I find nothing but truth and determination. I am trying to find the words to tell him he most definitely will not be doing that, well not without a condom, but the words never come. It’s like Stockholm in minutes. Is that something that can be put into hyperspeed? Instead of protesting, I swallow and blush, ducking my head like a moron. He growls something about me being perfect for him before he lets my legs drop.

My legs feel like limp noodles and my thighs ache from being open so wide. So much for cheerleading keeping me in shape. “Whoa.” I say when everything spins slightly before righting itself.

“I know. You’ve fucked my shit up to, angel. Come on. Let’s go out and celebrate.” Walking out of the door with his arm around my waist, I feel like I am agreeing to change my whole life and you know what? I think I might love it.

Chapter 4


Fucking shit, my cock is still squirting down my dungarees. That is one hot little princess. The problem is, she has me out of control. Nothing that happened just now in her house was supposed to happen. My plan was to pick her up, take her out to the comedy show playing over in Taftsville. A buddy of mine, his family owns a little hangout spot and on Friday nights, they open it up to people under the age of 21 as a place for them to hang out. Sometimes, it is comedians, sometimes they have a poetry thing and sometimes there is live entertainment and dancing. It's a nice place to escape to.

My plan was to take her there, show her off, let her get a taste of life outside of porcelain walls and see if she can handle not having all of the gloss and glimmer. My woman, my wife, my lady, she is going to have to know how to rough it and I mean that in more than the sweaty, bite marks kind of way. She is going to have to be alright with not having the best of everything and working for everything, at least at first, because when I leave this place, I am never coming back and neither will she.

My intentions for tonight were good and supposedly sweet, but then she opened the door looking like she rides on the back of bikes for shits and giggles and the fucking beast inside of me woke up. I look at her shiny hair, glossy, glittery lips, all that tit hanging out of that shirt and the leather on her back, making my cock jerk to have my name on the back of it, and everything I thought I knew went out of the window.

My mind kept repeating to mark her. Claim her. Stain her. Don’t let her leave this house without some part of you showing on her so every man you pass, knows she has been claimed. Shit, I could have stripped her fucking clothes right there and creampied her tiny ass. I should have and then made her wear that cream all fucking night. The only thing stopping me is that I know once I get in there, she will never get me out.

So, I settled for spreading her legs wide, and rutting her up and down my zipper. I tried like hell to make sure there would be a noticeable gap between her legs when she walked so she wouldn’t look like a fucking angel, but damn it, doing all of that is doing nothing to cool the fire inside of me. “Wow.” She says, running her hand up the back of my leather seat. “I’ve never ridden on a motorcycle before.” That makes my chest puff out and send a rumble through my chest knowing this will be the first of many firsts she experiences with me only.

“Good to know princess. Now come here so I can put this on you.” From under the seat, I pull out a helmet I had made specifically for her. It is pink and black with the word ‘princess’ written on the side in white cursive. She gasps when she sees it in my hand.

“Is this what you have all the girls wear when they ride with you?” Her eyes get big as she shocks herself with her outburst of jealousy. It sizzles inside of me knowing she can feel this too. This insane need to own and not share. To be selfish and not give a fuck who doesn’t like it. Smirking, I pull her into my arms and kiss her bee stung lips from me sucking on them.

“I have never had a girl on my bike. Don’t like to be touched, usually. This requires a lot of trust and..touching.” I lift her chin and make her look at me. “You, I want you all over me, baby. I had this made just for you, little girl. Now look at me while I crown you my woman.” Her cheeks become flush when she bites her lip and bends her head. I can feel everything swirling around us like fairy dust and blessings. Something about this moment is shifting.


