Pregnant by the Badboy – Bred on Purpose Read Online ChaShiree M

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 46
Estimated words: 40403 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 202(@200wpm)___ 162(@250wpm)___ 135(@300wpm)

I need to not be up in the middle of the night checking her GPS that I synced with my phone on our first date when she went to the bathroom. I need to not be memorizing the names of all the guys in her school and their faces, even following some of them home so I know what I am up against. I need to not be checking her text messages from the cloning app I installed making sure some deadfuck is not trying to drift into my lane. Don't get me wrong, I trust her. I don't trust them. Hell I shouldn't be hiding her birth control pills from her, interrupting her everytime she remembers she can’t find them. I am dangerously close to gaslighting my woman and I cannot say I am sorry about it. Last but not least, I need to not want to smother her, suffocate and restrain her until she doesn’t remember there is a world out there that exists outside of the cage I want to put her in. I need this sickness to be cured.

My thoughts are thankfully interrupted by the sound of her front door opening. Standing there is my angel, my goddess, my good girl, my dirty, delicious virgin that has taken over my heart in the blink of an eye. We haven’t said the words yet, but I try to show here with every glance, every touch, every fucking kiss and lick. “Hey gorgeous. Are you ready?” I pull her into my arms and slide my tongue into her mouth not giving her a chance to respond. I just need to feel her in my arms to remind me that my end game is her and the family we are going to have.

Her hands pull at my hair, her leg lifted over my hip. Lately she has become more feverish with each moment of passion letting me know her pussy is ready for me and thank fuck for that because no matter what this weekend, I was taking it. “Mmm. I need that.” she says, pulling back before kissing me once more and wrapping her arms around my neck. I nuzzle her neck and kiss her behind her ear before releasing her and grabbing her suitcase.

“I did too angel. Are you ready? Do I need to talk to your folks?” I have yet to meet them and I suppose I could feel some sort of way but she has yet to meet mine and I have the feeling we are both avoiding something in regards to our family.

“Nah. They are both gone already.” Nodding, I toss her stuff in the trunk and open her door.

“Where do they think you are going to be for the weekend?” We never discussed how she would get the approval to go.

“Don’t know and don’t care. I am eighteen. They can’t tell me where I can go and where I can’t.” Looking over at her, I take a moment to marvel at how far she has come and how strong confidence in her sexuality she is now. Before she was more of a people pleaser than she realized but now, I have watched her stand her ground and ignore those around her. She used to blush and put her head down when I said dirty things to her, but now she revels in it, allows it to seep into her and fuel her bravery.

“Well then are you ready to go?” she looks at me with a mischievous glint in her eye before she places her hand on my thigh.

“I’ve been ready.” Licking my lips I look her body up and down before reaching her eyes once more.

“Be careful how you entice the lion baby. You might be offering him a taste but he can take the entire steak. Make sure you’re ready, angel. Once I make you mine, there is no going back and I am going to make sure that happens and there will be no apologizing and no discussion. Understand?” She nods her head, her pupils dilating and her chest heaving up and down. I grip her chin between my two fingers and lean into her mouth. “Such a good girl.” I whisper against her lips before taking them one more time until I feel they are swollen enough. Once she is out of breath and eyes are a bit droopy, I pull back, start the car and begin our journey towards a new beginning.

The drive is about three and a half hours and if the drowsiness of her eyes are any indication, my woman is going to sleep for most of it. “I’m so tired.” she says, stretching her arms and legs.

“Are you alright?” I count backwards in my mind and confirm that her period should be two weeks out which is perfect for what I have planned. So I know that is not her fatigue.


