His Little Hessonite – Eleadian Mates Read Online Paige Michaels

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Crime, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Insta-Love, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 47
Estimated words: 44495 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 222(@200wpm)___ 178(@250wpm)___ 148(@300wpm)

He puts my legs in stirrups and secures me open before removing my diaper. I suspect Papi had him put that in my file because he has a hard rule about never letting me close my legs. Even when he gives me baths, he either drapes my legs over the sides of the basin or puts something between them.

Thabo palpates my labia and pulls the hood back from my clit. He puts pressure on my pelvis and strokes the little nub several times until I whimper. There’s no way to stop the rush of arousal that leaks out of me. I’ve learned the doctors here will always ensure I’m able to arouse quickly. That’s mindboggling to me because no doctor on Earth would do something so embarrassing.

I watch Thabo put a generous amount of lube on his gloved finger and hold my breath while he pushes it into my bottom. “Any issues with her bowel movements?”

Papi shakes his head. “No. She’s been using her diaper without issue. I don’t think she has full control over her bladder or her bowels.”

I purse my lips and look away. This is even more embarrassing than having the doctor examine my clit. Plus, I’m concerned because Papi is right. I’ve tried, but I can’t seem to stop myself from peeing in my diaper.

Papi strokes my cheek with his thumb. “Don’t worry, Little one. It makes no difference whether or not you control your output. It’s actually easier if you don’t try. When Little girls are stubborn about using their diapers, they end up wearing a catheter. I know you didn’t like that after your surgery.”

I sniffle. He’s right, but it’s still humiliating, and it unnerves me to think I might not be able to control my bladder, let alone my bottom.

Thabo puts the giant probe thing in me next, and I try to ignore the way it stretches me. I hate that I get aroused by the inanimate object, and he makes it worse by adjusting it in and out and turning it several times. I know he only does so to keep me constantly aware of its presence.

By the time he’s done, I’m trembling from the need to come. I’m not sure if I’m grateful Papi doesn’t make me orgasm in front of Thabo or disappointed.

What I do know is that I leave the clinic aroused and frustrated, and Papi shows no signs of putting me out of my misery.

Chapter Seventeen


The next three days are weird. There’s a lot going on around me, and Papi is mysterious about it. He keeps me restrained most of the time, often in my bouncy seat. A few people come to the house, but I’m always facing away from them with a pacifier in my mouth, so I can’t see them or speak to them.

They come and go, doing something in various rooms behind my back. I know Papi plugs my mouth to keep me from asking questions. I don’t fight him when he gives me a pacifier. I learned my lesson on that the first time he strapped it around my head so I couldn’t spit it out. I don’t like not being able to push it out, so I suckle it when it’s offered and let Papi decide when to remove it.

But what is he having done to the house?

Sometimes visitors go into his office. I know where it’s located—on the opposite side of the living room from the hallway that leads to his bedroom and my nursery. I haven’t been in his office yet. He’s told me he’s going back to work tomorrow, so I assume I will see it then.

This morning there has been more activity than usual, and I’m restrained in the kitchen facing the sliding glass door that leads to the backyard. It’s distracting because it’s so pretty outside. Bright and colorful with the most unusual birds and small creatures. I get to see more of them when I’m on this side of the glass because they don’t get spooked and run off.

Papi finally steps in front of me and squats down to my level. “Ready?” He pulls the pacifier from my mouth.

“Ready for what?”

He grins broadly. “We have a big day.”

I’ve been here two weeks. I have hopes. “Please tell me it involves me walking.” Papi goes over all my exercises with me every day. I know I’m strong enough. He just doesn’t let me try out my legs.

He chuckles. “It does include you walking, yes.”

I squirm. “Maybe you could unfasten all these straps and let me try?”

He shakes his head. “Not yet. There are other things we need to do first.” He does unfasten me, but he lifts me out and settles me on his hip. My darn feet have not yet touched the floor.

Well, that’s not entirely true, the tops of my feet have touched the floor inside my playpen when he’s left me in there to crawl around on my own. The bottoms of my feet are baby soft.


