His Little Hessonite – Eleadian Mates Read Online Paige Michaels

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Crime, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Insta-Love, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 47
Estimated words: 44495 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 222(@200wpm)___ 178(@250wpm)___ 148(@300wpm)

I reach over with one hand and pinch my arm hard, making myself yelp.

Papi grabs my hand and pulls it away from my opposite arm. “Why’d you do that?”

“Haven’t you ever heard of pinching yourself to see if you’re awake or asleep?”


“Well, apparently it’s not true anyway because I still think I’m in a coma, and that pinch didn’t wake me up.”

“And you don’t think my spanking or the fact that I pinched your nipple several times would have worked just the same?”

I shrug. “Good point.” I glance down at my nipples. “Maybe you should try again.”

He chuckles. It’s refreshing after all the frowning. “Baby girl, you’re going to keep me on my toes for eternity, aren’t you?”

“If I’m still living. How long do you think a dream can last?” I suddenly feel a sense of urgency. I want Papi to make love to me before something disturbs my coma and I either wake up or die. I meet his gaze again. “Just in case I’m right, will you please f⁠—”

He puts his hand over my mouth, stopping me from speaking. “If you say fuck one more time, I will flip you back over and spank that sweet spot on your bottom until you can’t think of anything except my cock inside your wet cunt. And I certainly won’t give you what you crave. Understood?”

I nod. His hand is still over my mouth.

He lowers it. “Now, my imaginative Little girl, let me assure you that you are definitely not asleep or in a coma. You’re alive and well in my arms on the mothership. I have no doubt at all that Dankin will remove that tumor from your pituitary gland, and you will be completely healthy in no time. When he says you’re ready, we will travel to Eleadia and start our long lives together.”

“Okay, but just in case…”

He chuckles. “Okay, Baby girl. Just in case you’re right, I’ll make love to you, but only if you agree to take your bottle and go down for a nap afterward.”

I nod rapidly. “Agreed.”

“You will not complain when I diaper you either,” he adds.

I sigh, my shoulders drooping. “Fine.” I’ll agree to just about anything if he’ll have sex with me. I don’t really know what’s real or not anymore, but I don’t care. All I care about is prolonging this feeling inside me because it’s the best feeling I’ve ever had in my life.

I glance around. “Do you have condoms?” Then I giggle. “Do people use condoms in their dreams?”

He slides his hands to my ass and rises, holding me by the butt.

I grab his shoulders again and hold on, loving the fact that my pussy is now pressing against his cock.

Papi opens a door and steps into an adjacent room that looks more like a bedroom than the nursery we’ve been in. He carries me directly to the biggest bed I’ve ever seen, lowers me onto my back at the edge of the bed, and plants his hands on either side of me.

My legs are wide around his thighs, but I’ve lost direct contact with his erection. My butt burns from his grip on my heated flesh.

“We don’t need condoms, Baby girl. Though human females are the most perfect match for Eleadian males in many ways, we are not compatible enough to procreate. My sperm will not join with your eggs.”

“Oh. You’re sure?”


“Okay, then how about if you take your pants off and show me that giant cock again.”

He rolls his eyes. “My girl is so bossy and vulgar.”

I shrug. “Not really. Only when I’m dreaming.”

He laughs again. “You’re not dreaming, Clara. You’re alive and well in my arms. I will fully claim you because you want me to, and I can’t see how it will harm anything, but I don’t think you will continue to argue you are not awake after I’ve taken your pussy.”

I giggle. “I’m willing to accept that possibility,” I joke.

“One more thing.”


“When Eleadian semen gets on their mate’s skin, it creates a frenzy of sexual need that drives their mate wild until it’s washed off. I don’t want you to go through that, so I will pull out and come elsewhere this time. Some of my essence will have still leaked out to coat your skin, but it won’t be as intense, and I will wash it off as fast as I can.”

It's my turn to frown. “You’re serious.”


I squirm closer to the edge of the bed, trying to get to his cock. “Okay, I’m willing to take my chances with your alien semen, big guy. Show me.”

Papi rolls his eyes before he rights himself, takes a small step back, and removes his pants. His cock is even bigger than I remember from a short time ago. I should be freaked out. I kind of am, but surely it won’t hurt in my dream. Then again, my ass is still on fire from him spanking me like a recalcitrant child. So maybe his cock will hurt. I’m willing to take my chances on that, too.


