His Little Hessonite – Eleadian Mates Read Online Paige Michaels

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Crime, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Insta-Love, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 47
Estimated words: 44495 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 222(@200wpm)___ 178(@250wpm)___ 148(@300wpm)

I get so excited I bounce on his hip.

Ekert nods toward the other side of the room. “If you’re happy with the stones, come on back to the piercing room.”

I take a deep breath as Papi follows Ekert and Sophie through another door into a room that makes me stiffen. Papi lowers me to the elaborate chair in the middle of the room and kisses me. “Arms above your head, Baby girl.”

I’m trembling as I lift my arms, and I start panting as he and Ekert strap me down in about a hundred places. The chair has more restraints on it than could possibly be necessary. It’s high off the floor, too. Heck, all of the furniture on this planet is enormous.

Ekert uses a remote to mechanically lean me back, and then he lifts Sophie up onto a stool next to me near my head. I’m grateful when she threads her fingers with mine. “Don’t worry. You won’t feel a thing after your Papi numbs your nipples.”

There was never any doubt I would accept this strange custom as part of my new life, but it’s all happening so fast, and I’m more nervous than I expected. I look at Sophie. “Do you take them out at night?”

Sophie shakes her head, her blond pigtails flying. “No. They aren’t removable. You won’t ever take them out for the rest of your life.”

My breath hitches. I hadn’t considered this aspect. Hoops through my nipples that don’t come out? The stones are huge. They will be heavy and constantly obvious. They will sway when I walk—assuming Papi ever lets me walk.

Papi sets his hand on top of my head and leans over to kiss me gently. “Deep breaths, Baby girl.”

“I’m not sure about this,” I murmur.

He holds my gaze. “I’m sure.”

I swallow. Why does he always get his way? And why does it make me all warm and tingly when he’s so bossy?

“You will wear the hessonite stones with pride, Little one. They’re a symbol of our union.”

My breaths are shallow. My chest is rising and falling rapidly.

“I’m going to numb your pretty titties now, Clara, and then Ekert will pierce them. It will all be over quickly.”

I whimper as he lowers his mouth to one of my nipples. He suckles it for a moment and then pricks it with his quill. My heart races as he switches to the other nipple and treats it the same.

I squeeze my eyes closed. I can’t stop this. I can’t stop anything Papi demands. I never will. It’s unnerving, but also I like the control he has over me, and he knows it. He can scent it wafting off of me.

I’m aware of Ekert leaning over me. I know his hand is on my breast. I sense him gripping my offended nipple and holding it steady. Finally, I hear a tiny pop that makes me flinch.

“The first one is done, Little one,” Ekert says. “One more.” He repeats the process on my other boob, holding it steady and piercing it before I have time to protest.

I can’t feel a thing, but I knew I wouldn’t. Papi has an amazing ability to numb my skin. He’s demonstrated that more than once. I was never particularly concerned about the pain, but am I ready to look down and see hoops extending through my titties with red stones dangling down?

“All done, Little one,” Ekert declares. He adjusts the chair so I’m more upright while he and Papi release my arms and then my other restraints.

Papi chuckles as he tips my chin back and kisses me. “Are you going to open your eyes, Baby girl?”

I shake my head, still squeezing my lids tight.

“They’re so pretty,” Sophie says.

Ekert pats my thigh. “There’s no reason for her to be in pain. When the numbness wears off, if she complains of itching or soreness, numb her again.”

Papi strokes my cheek. “Clara…” he coaxes.

I take a deep breath, tip my head down, and open my eyes. I had a good idea what to expect. After all, I saw the dangly hoops before he put them on me, and I saw how Sophie’s look. But I’m still stunned.

I can’t wrap my head around the fact that I now live in a society where everyone will see my breasts, and they are adorned with hoops and sparkling gemstones. My nipples are swollen and larger than usual. I bet they will mostly stay that way.

Papi’s voice is reverent as he says, “I’ve never seen anyone more beautiful in my life, Clara. The hessonite stones are perfect.” He reaches out and gently taps the stones one at a time, making them sway.

I’m still uncertain. They’re so permanent.

Sophie pats my shoulder. “They’ll feel heavy at first, but then you’ll get used to them.”

“How do you ignore them?” I murmur. It seems like they will keep me in a constant state of arousal. My nipples are very sensitive.


