Hail Mary – Red Zone Rivals Read Online Kandi Steiner

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Romance, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 139
Estimated words: 130380 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 652(@200wpm)___ 522(@250wpm)___ 435(@300wpm)

“Are you done admiring your work?” he asked, grabbing the hem of his shirt — the one I was wearing. “Because I’m growing impatient.”

I barely nodded before the shirt was peeled over my head. He groaned his approval at the lack of bra underneath, his hand palming one breast while his mouth clamped down around the piercing on my other.

I hissed, arching into his touch. I was ready to lie back in the bed and let him fuck me cross-eyed, but he pulled me up to stand, instead. His mouth devoured mine as he walked me backward toward the bathroom, blindly turning on the shower before we both tumbled inside.

The water was cold at first, and I gasped against it, but then it ran warm, dampening our hair and sluicing over our bodies in thick rivulets.

I didn’t have time to adjust to any of it before my back was pressed against the cold tile, one leg was hiked up, and Leo pressed his crown to my entrance. It was still soaked from my saliva, and one thrust of his hips had him halfway inside me, had me seeing stars and digging my nails into his shoulders.

“Filthy fucking girl,” he cursed against my neck, biting it as he retracted and pushed just a little farther in. “I’m not going to last with you so wet for me.”

“Let’s see if you can set a record, then,” I challenged, tucking my pelvis so I took more of him inside me. “How fast can you come, Leo?”

He groaned, free hand fisting in my hair and yanking until I had no choice but to look up at the ceiling, to expose my neck for him. He kissed and sucked the skin along my throat as he hiked my leg higher and slammed into me. Once, twice, three times, each thrust rocking me harder against the wall. I couldn’t find grip on anything but him, so I held on tight, riding him with just the toes of my standing foot to steady me as he found his release.

Leo let out a vicious moan, pulling out as he rasped, “Knees.”

It was a command, one I heeded with pleasure, landing on the tile in front of him. I grew even wetter at the sight of him pumping his cock, the water from the shower head sliding over his chest and abdomen, droplets dripping from his hair and off his nose as he stared down at me.

“Open,” he managed, and just before he busted, I opened my mouth.

Rope after rope of cum rained down on me, slicing across my tits and neck and face, some of it landing in my mouth as I savored every last drop. It was so fucking hot watching his abs contract as he flexed into his hand, and I couldn’t wait any longer. I reached between my legs and circled my clit as he painted me with his climax, and I found mine easy enough, moaning and shaking as I fucked my own hands.

Leo cursed, barely finishing before he pulled me up to stand. I was mid-orgasm, ready to cry at being interrupted, but he hiked my leg up again and thrust inside me, sparking it back to life. Then, he rubbed me with his expert fingers, kissing me and swallowing my moans as the orgasm caught life again and rocked through me. I shook so hard I couldn’t stand on my own, Leo pressing me against the wall to hold me, but he didn’t relent until I was completely spent and sagging in his arms.

We stayed like that for a long time, panting and clinging to each other until we found the strength to stand again. The water had run a bit cold, so Leo turned it all the way up, the hottest it would go. Then, he grabbed my shampoo, squeezing a dollop into his palms and rubbing them together before he made me face away from him.

The water ran hot and delicious down my back, and then Leo’s large hands were in my hair, massaging my scalp as he washed it. I moaned, letting my neck relax, the sensation almost as good as the orgasm that preceded it.

And suddenly, the moment turned from feral to something so tender that tears stung my eyes.

It was silent but for the water slapping at the tile by our feet and our breaths still evening out. Leo washed and rinsed my hair before repeating with conditioner, and then he lathered his hands up with my body wash.

Those hands started at my shoulders, massaging and kneading until they trailed down my back and over my arms. He turned me gently then, his eyes finding mine through the steam as he washed my hips, my thighs, and tenderly between my legs. And I didn’t hide. I didn’t pull away or fold my arms over myself or do anything to shield my body from his view.


