Hail Mary – Red Zone Rivals Read Online Kandi Steiner

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Romance, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 139
Estimated words: 130380 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 652(@200wpm)___ 522(@250wpm)___ 435(@300wpm)

They won the game by twenty-four points, and I got the pleasure of celebrating with Leo later that night.

When I wasn’t at the shop and Leo wasn’t at the stadium, that was how we spent our time — tangled in the sheets. There was still so much to talk about, so many things I wanted to know about him and that I wanted him to know about me. But with the limited time we had together, we were both starved whenever we had the chance to be alone. We’d barely make it through pleasantries before we were stripping each other, exploring new ways to make the other come unraveled.

For the first time in longer than I could remember, my life felt… balanced. Peaceful. Blissful, even. I didn’t even care that Miss Margie had called and regretfully told me she didn’t have an update on when I could move back home. It was the last thing on my mind, actually. Not even sassy comments from my mom when I called home could wipe the smile off my face.

Early one afternoon, I was parked in Leo’s chair in front of my PlayStation I’d set up with his monitor and mine together. It’d been a hectic week at the shop, so I was treating myself to some R&R time by playing Cyberpunk 2077. I’d also treated myself to a ten-milligram blueberry gummy, so I was deeply entranced in the game when Leo’s door swung open and scared me half to death.

“Fuck!” I cursed, and I spun in my chair, wielding the controller over my head as if that could protect me against whoever the intruder was.

Fortunately, it was just Leo, smirking at me like the devil himself.

“Did I catch you masturbating?”

I blew out a breath, my heartbeat steadying out. “No, but you nearly gave me a heart attack. What are you doing here?”

I knew the schedule pretty well now that we were into the season, and no one was due home until after five today. Leo had his Rehabilitation Science Techniques class tonight and shouldn’t be home until after nine.

“My first class got canceled,” he answered, leaning a hip against the doorway. “And I don’t have to report to the weight room until four.

I nodded, running a hand back through my hair and pressing one hand to my chest. My heartbeat was settling, until I looked back at Leo and found his gaze dark and hungry crawling over me. He’d once again hooked one of his chains in his mouth, his tongue and teeth toying with it as he fucked me with his eyes.

I looked down at where I was sitting with my legs open in a very unladylike stance, wearing nothing but boy shorts and one of Leo’s t-shirts.

“I like when you wear my clothes,” he said, dropping his chain from his mouth and crossing the room to me. I saw evidence of exactly how much he liked it pressing against his shorts as he ran the back of his fingers over my shoulder.

“You’re not worried about me stretching them out?” I asked.

He almost growled, hands clapping down on the arms of the chair and caging me in as he dropped his mouth to mine.

“Woman, if you don’t stop with that shit,” he warned. “Besides, even if you did, it only seems fair, since stretching you out is my favorite pastime.”

The words vibrated through me before his mouth descended, and I inhaled the kiss, dropping my controller on the desk and wrapping my arms around his neck to pull him closer.

But Leo broke the kiss, even as I whined, and grabbed the controller again. He slid it into my hands and spun the chair to face the screen.

“Play,” he demanded. “And do your best not to die.”

With that, his lips curled up, and he sank onto his knees between my legs.

When I didn’t do anything other than stare at him, Leo grabbed the hem of my boy shorts and yanked them down my thighs. I lifted to help him, but once they were off, he smacked the side of my ass that he could reach and pointed at the screen.

“Focus, or I stop.”

That was all the motivation I needed.

But even as I started playing, my eyes on the screen, all my focus was zeroed in on where Leo was kissing a trail up my thighs. I spread them wider for him, sinking down in the chair a bit, and he smiled against my center before running his tongue long and hot and flat from my entrance to my clit.

I moaned, eyes rolling back, thumbs stilling over the toggles on the controller. Leo teased my clit with the tip of his tongue, and when I bucked against his mouth, wanting more, he pulled completely away.

“No,” I whimpered, peering down at him through my heavy eyelids.


