Hail Mary – Red Zone Rivals Read Online Kandi Steiner

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Romance, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 139
Estimated words: 130380 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 652(@200wpm)___ 522(@250wpm)___ 435(@300wpm)

I felt safe with him.

I felt wanted.

He ran his palms over my breasts next, my nipples hardening under his touch. I glanced down to find his cock hardening, too, but he didn’t move his gaze from my eyes.

Slowly, he pulled me into him, his forehead resting against mine as he continued his slow strokes all over my body.

There were so many words that hung between us, emotions too strong for either of us to look directly at. They were like the blinding sun or a car crash or both at the same time.

Instead, Leo dropped his mouth to mine, kissing me long and deep as his hands worked me all over. When he palmed my ass and rubbed the thick swells there, his cock twitched against my stomach, and I wrapped my arms around his neck and threaded my fingers into his hair.

We kissed for what felt like another eternity.

Then, I turned around, and he slid inside me again, taking me until the water turned cold and we both came again.


By the time October swept through Boston, the leaves turning bright yellow and orange and the skies growing more and more gray, I felt like I was on top of the world.

The Rebels were off to a killer start to the season — one we weren’t sure we’d have after losing some of our best players to graduation last year. But we were 5-0, winning all three of our home games and the two we’d played on the road. Another fight for the championship was within our grasp, and the entire team seemed focused, tuned in, alert and ready.

My father had surprised me at the stadium after our fourth win, along with a man named Leonard Bowden, who wanted to be my agent, and Coach Lee. I apparently had eyes on me for the draft, and it seemed everyone had forgotten about the little article about my girlfriends that came out over the summer. I’d been as squeaky clean as a college athlete could be, and I saw it in Coach’s eyes as much as in my father’s.

They were proud of me.

Hell, I was proud of me, too. My grades were excellent, I was performing the best I ever had on the field, and when I wasn’t in school or playing ball, I was with Mary.

We’d had parties at The Pit, of course — it was tradition, after all. But I swore, the entire team had their eyes on the prize, and none of us got out of line. In fact, most of the time, we were kicking people out by one so we could get sleep.

It felt a little like growing up, like we were going through our own changing of the seasons just as fall washed over us in all its glory.

Mary had been just as busy as the rest of us, her hours at the shop increasing now that she had a steady stream of clients. I knew it was only a matter of time before she was offered an official position at the shop.

I had mixed feelings about that.

Of course, I was proud of her — happy for her — but I was also still wary of Nero. It didn’t matter that he’d seemed professional since that night at the bar. Every time I visited Mary, I felt his eyes on me, on her, and it made the hair on the back of my neck stand straight up like he was a predator and I needed to be prepared for him to pounce.

So, I kept my guard up, kept my eyes on Mary to make sure she was safe.

And at the end of every night, no matter how late it was, Mary climbed into my bed.

God, it was easy to get lost in that girl.

Whenever we were together, everything else slipped away. I was completely wrapped up in her smile, her laugh, her tired eyes, her wandering hands, her lush lips and soft, inviting body that I was sure I could never tire of — no matter how many times I had her. And I was insatiable. Early in the morning before practice, in the middle of the day any chance I could rush off campus, late at night when she came home from the shop — whenever I could take her, I did.

It was never enough.

On the Sunday after our win over the Rhode Island Trojans, we both had the day off for the first time in a month. After we spent the morning waking up slowly together and the afternoon having brunch and playing games with the roommates, I gave her instructions to get dressed and be ready to go on a date by six.

“A date?” she asked, one brow arching as she wrapped her arms around my waist. “Where are we going?”

“That’s for me to know and you to find out,” I said with a swat against her ass.


