Game On Read online Riley Hart, Devon McCormack (Fever Falls #5)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Fever Falls Series by Devon McCormack
Series: Fever Falls Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 92704 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 464(@200wpm)___ 371(@250wpm)___ 309(@300wpm)

“Yeah…and there will be a lot of traveling too.”

The ache in my chest began to spider out, slinking into every empty space in my body. I didn’t want him to go. I wanted him to stay here, but I could never expect that. We’d known from the start we were temporary. “We knew something like this could happen.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“And it’s a great opportunity for you,” I added, trying to make the words not stick in my mouth, fighting to make it sound as if they didn’t break me. Because they did.

“But I don’t want to lose you,” Carter said. “I’m not ready to stop doing this yet, but it’s a lot to ask. We’ll rarely see each other, and I know it’s not ideal. It’ll be tough on you—on me too, of course, but…”

“Because of Julian,” I said from between tight lips. But he was right. My insecurities would eat me alive. Then again, how fair was that to him? These were my issues. I knew that, and I was the one who needed to get over them. I trusted Carter, but I also knew this was different for him too. “I’m not ready to lose you yet either.”

But I would. Carter and I were both logical enough to realize that.

“Come here,” I said and tugged him forward. Carter straddled my thighs, and I cupped his cheek. “We make it work one day at a time. And we’ll be honest with each other. That’s all we can do.”

“I won’t cheat on you. Tell me you know that.”

“I do,” I replied, and I did. But insecurities were funny that way. Logic played no part in them.

“When it gets to be too much, we tell each other. I don’t want to screw up our friendship. It means a lot to me.”

“It means a lot to me too.”

We kissed slowly then. We were naked again soon, and I was inside him, fucking him tenderly, savoring him, and already dreading when he’d leave in a few days’ time.



“Booked Randy Hardigree on Ellen!” I announced as I entered Elliott’s office.

“What? That guy’s been doing mean jokes in his stand-up act about her for the past decade!”

“I guess I’m just talented like that! And she promises not to mention the jokes either. We don’t need a showdown on daytime TV.”

“That’s my Carter James,” he said, pushing to his feet and walking around his desk for double high fives.

Since returning to Los Angeles, I’d set up my own office where Dax’s had been and went right back to work. As Elliott and I celebrated my victory, it reminded me of the days when it was the three of us—Dax, Elliott, and me.

As we took a moment to appreciate our accomplishment, my phone buzzed. I checked it and saw a text from Sawyer.

Things are good here, he’d texted, in reply to my morning check-in text. Keeg’s buddy Casey is great with the customers. Very friendly and talkative, and definitely knows his way around our history section.

I smirked, but my enjoyment of his message and my victory were suddenly bittersweet. Much like the conversation Sawyer and I had shared two weeks earlier.

I was back in Los Angeles, in my own element, feeling like a rock star as Elliott and I tackled projects together. Elliott and Dax had always made me feel valued for what I brought to the team, but by coming on board in this capacity, I could do so much more for the company.

It was a great opportunity.

But why did I have to keep reminding myself of that? Was it because of the other opportunity I felt slipping away with each passing day?

I stayed up late that night to have a chance to talk with Sawyer via video chat.

I’d thought surely it would be the hot sex I’d miss most, but as we caught up about our days, it reminded me that I missed our chats, and even the subtlest of smirks he offered, as much as all the rest.

I told him about our success, and his eyes lit up, but there was something else there too—some unspoken discomfort.

“Everything okay?” I asked.

“Of course. I’m very proud of you.”

The words sent a familiar surge of excitement pulsing through me, but the sadness in his expression filled me with disappointment too.

He added, “Just wish I were there to celebrate with you.”

“I wish you were here too. Maybe Naughty Sawyer wants to play around for a minute before I head to bed?”

I was trying to lighten the mood, but that just seemed to make Sawyer even more uneasy. “Maybe not tonight. But this week for sure.”

An unsettling quiet lingered between us as too much seemed to be said without words.

“What are you thinking?” I pressed.


“I know you well enough to know you’re not thinking nothing.”

He forced a smile and shook his head, like whatever he was thinking was too sad or depressing to share. Maybe it was better that he kept it to himself.


