Fate of a Royal (Lords of Rathe #1) Read Online Meagan Brandy, Amo Jones

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors: , Series: Amo Jones
Series: Lords of Rathe Series by Meagan Brandy

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 93354 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 467(@200wpm)___ 373(@250wpm)___ 311(@300wpm)

Fuck that.

I yank his belt buckle off and bat my lashes up at him as my cheeks heat. “Or you could do whatever you want to me?”

His hand covers mine as the muscles on each side of his jaw bounce. He pulls the belt out from the loops and before I can even register what he’s doing, it’s around the back of my neck and he tugs hard until I’m even closer to him.

“I like that better.”

It’s not until the air tightens around me that I realize he’s fastened it around my neck. With the long part of the belt, he tugs playfully. “Mmmm. I could get used to this. Maybe I do need to get you a collar…”

“A what now?” I stare blankly up at him but before I can ask another question, his lips find mine. Everything that happened before has evaporated into thin air, and anything that happens after is simply irrelevant. My body finds him instantly and his hand leaves my hip, lowering to my ass. He squeezes roughly as his tongue plays a tune with mine.

His teeth sink into my bottom lip and he finally drops the belt to bring his other hand to my other ass cheek, lifting me from the freezing ground. My legs wrap around his waist as my hands find themselves buried in the mane of his hair. Right now, he’s not Knight Deveraux, the bane of my existence. He’s Knight Deveraux, the man I want to fuck.


He steps us backward, tearing my cami off until his fingers find my nipple. He releases my mouth from his, staring up at me. I hate when he does this because I swear I can feel my heart thrash a little harder in my chest. Probably trying to warn me to run.

“Let go…” he whispers against my mouth, his brows pulling together when he focuses on my lips.

“What? I’ll fall.”

His mouth curves upward in a wicked smirk. “Will you?”

I unlatch my fingers from around the back of his neck, holding my breath. He’s a douchebag, I know that—but there’s a part of me that wants to test everything he gives me. I want to edge him near just as much as he does to me. It’s probably a toxic trait—yet another to add to my lengthy list.

I go to fall backwards but grab onto his shoulders at the last minute. He doesn’t flinch, holding my stare. It’s almost in challenge. “I can’t figure you out.”

“Not your job to do that, Little London.” His head tilts to the side as he finally breaks eye contact and his fall to my chest. His thumbs run circles over my upper thighs. “What do you think’s gonna happen?”

“You’ll drop me.” The words leave me beneath a breath.

He chuckles. “Let’s find out.”

Before I can figure out what’s happening, my hands are forced apart and I’m falling backward. I want to scream, to yelp, but my pride chokes it all down and when I don’t hit the ground, I slowly peel my eyes open. “Holy shit.”

“Say that fucking name one more time and see what the fuck happens.”

I go to reach forward, when the sound of cracking snaps through the air and I tilt my head backwards to see a rope of ice growing from the ground. It breaks off into two before knotting around my wrists.

I growl softly, tugging on them. “Knight…”

A deep snicker leaves his chest from somewhere in the room. I don’t know where because now I can’t even push myself up to see where he is. Wind floats over my spine from below, and I think over all the dumb situations I’ve managed to get myself into where Knight is concerned.

My fingers wrap around the iced rope and before I can say anything else, the warmth of his hands are on my upper thighs and he spreads my legs wide, stepping between them.

I arch my back. “Unleash me.”

“No.” His hand covers my lower belly. “You’ve got a bad habit of being a controlling little bitch, and I just so happen to like breaking said habits.” He presses his thumb against my clit and my body burns to life.

“Knight…” I warn, even though I have no idea what I’m warning against.

He clicks his fingers and just like that… the ceiling I was staring up at turns black. My eyes are wide open but I can’t see. “Fuck.”

“Shut up, London.” He drags his finger down my slit and I suck in a breath when he stops right at my entrance. With both hands, he pulls me closer and warmth covers my pussy. I sink my teeth into my lip as his tongue finds its way around my clit slowly. He doesn’t rush. Almost like he knows that every second that passes I’m about to lose it. My toes curl as I tug on the rope again, desperate to feel anything. To feel him.


