Fate of a Royal (Lords of Rathe #1) Read Online Meagan Brandy, Amo Jones

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors: , Series: Amo Jones
Series: Lords of Rathe Series by Meagan Brandy

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 93354 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 467(@200wpm)___ 373(@250wpm)___ 311(@300wpm)

Everyone disappears when I see Knight on the sofa in front of me. His legs are spread, his arms sitting above the couch, and his head is tipped to the side. A full head of blonde hair is on his lap as his head tips back and his other hand finds her mane of Barbie doll locks. No.

That’s not Knight.

That’s Sinner. It has to be. Only even as the thought comes, it’s quickly squashed. For whatever reason, I know it’s not.

That’s Knight.

The girl that’s sucking him off slowly raises from his lap, hoisting her skirt and spreading her legs wide on each side. He doesn’t bother to look my way as she directs herself down over his cock. My stomach aches as betrayal climbs up my throat and all of the beer I just drank threatens to come out.

Fuck him.

Fuck this.

I am so done.

I push backward, the jealousy so thick in my throat that I’m certain I’m going to choke.

I fly off the bed, sweat slicked over my skin and my heart thrashing against my ribcage.

Laughter sounds out from the corner of the room. “Just as I thought. So you done fighting with me?”

I fall back onto the mattress, my panic now drained. I can’t keep fighting with this idiot, as much as I want to. “You don’t know what I was dreaming about.”

He leans forward just enough for the full moon outside to catch the shadows of his jaw. I hate the way my head spins anytime he’s near. I can pretend like it’s me coming down from whatever that weed was that the Mage gave me, but it’s not. It has been hours. “What Mage?”

My eyes snap back up to Knight. “How do you do that?”

“Answer the question.” He stands to his full height.

I shuffle back farther against the headboard, drawing my knees up to my chest.

“Fuck off. Where’s Alex? Hmm, waiting in your room?”

Knight stares at me, his expression a perfect mask, giving nothing away.

He walks toward me until I’m cornered, his palm pressing to my stomach and driving me back against the wall. He tips my head back and I can’t help but think how he was about to do that to her. I jerk in his hold, and he grips my chin, keeping me still.

“You missed me, little doll. You sought me out.”

“I didn’t miss you. I was pissed you stuck me in this loop of a room. Pissed I can’t go home to be with my best friend.”

“Stop calling him that,” he growls. “And say be with him again. I fucking dare you.”

“Why did you lock me up tonight?! I was allowed to leave earlier. Why not tonight?” I fight to get free, but his hold is unrelenting. “Didn’t want me to walk in on some freaky tag-team shit with Sinner?” The thought alone draws heat to my skin, and I shove at him.

Knight only grins, but it’s nasty. “You think I’d care to hide me fucking someone else from you, ’cause I wouldn’t. If I wanted to put my dick in every bitch in this realm, I would. I might even force you to watch as punishment for denying me.”

“You fucked me in a field hours ago. How was that for denying?” I spit, trying to knee him, but he only pushes closer, smashing me with his body.

“I’m not talking about here.” He cups me roughly between the legs, and my head falls to the wall, teeth sinking into my lower lip to hide the whimper that wants to escape.

God, his hands are divine. Big and strong. Rough.


A frown pulls at my brows at the thought, but I don’t have time to think on it as he continues.

“I’m talking here.” He taps his finger against my temple, slowly dragging it to my chest, pressing above my left breast. “And here…way the fuck back in there where your soul sits, buried behind weak Giftless organs.” A frown mars his face as he stares at the spot he touches, as if searching for something. “I can feel it,” he whispers, his eyes closing, scowl doubling as he concentrates. “It’s there…something dark, and it’s reaching for me, but I can’t fucking…” A low rumble begins in his chest and something knocks behind mine, a sharp sting zinging down my spine. “The shadow of the phantom,” he murmurs to himself. “It walks alone, buried…bruised?”

Suddenly, his eyes fly open, and I stare at the stark whiteness of them, the blue completely gone. Days ago, when I thought I was going crazy, they terrified me.

Today? Not so much.

I want to know what makes them shift when he focuses on me like this. I want to know what’s inside him.

I want to know what all these hands on me can do.

“Tell me you feel this,” he roughly demands. “Tell me I’m inside you. That you’re not what you seem.” His entire body engulfs mine until I don’t exist. It’s just his body, just him, that does. “Tell me that you’re worthy, my little mate.”


