Fate of a Royal (Lords of Rathe #1) Read Online Meagan Brandy, Amo Jones

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors: , Series: Amo Jones
Series: Lords of Rathe Series by Meagan Brandy

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 93354 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 467(@200wpm)___ 373(@250wpm)___ 311(@300wpm)

A shiver runs down my spine a mere second before heated lips press to my ear.

My entire body shivers, my muscles growing lax without permission as I fall against the man at my back.

“I told you what I am, my plaything.”

“Knight,” I breathe, frowning when my words create a fog before me, like speaking into the winter’s night when your every breath leaves you as if releasing smoke into the air. “What the fuck is happening to me?” I ask out loud.

A steady arm wraps around me, and I cling to it without meaning to.

The chest against me rumbles the second I accept his support, and my eyes travel down. His large hand presses to my stomach, fingers spreading wide, and then blood seeps from the beds of his fingernails, and panic wraps around my every organ, squeezing.

A bloodcurdling scream tears from me, and suddenly, voices fill the air, people look around, and the brothers curse.

I shove away, running down the hall, tripping over people and squeezing my way through. I don’t stop.

I fucking run until I can’t breathe and am safely in my dorm. I take the stairs all the way up, tearing into my room and slamming the door closed.

“Please be home, please be home…” Dashing for Ben’s room, I throw the door open.

I jerk when I find the back of a girl’s head, her naked body riding my best friend, her blonde hair flowing down her back.

She looks over her shoulder, smiling at me, eyes glowing before she blinks.

“Hey.” She smiles. “Wanna join?”

My heart beats erratically, my body shaking as I plaster it to the wall, slowly sliding into the room until I can get a view of Ben’s face.

My brows snap together and I dart for the bed. “Oh my god!” I scream, looking at her. “What did you do?!” I shout, shaking Ben’s pale form, his eyes glued to the ceiling and wide open.

Tears prick my eyes as I shake him and Alex sighs.

“Why are humans so dramatic?” she mutters to herself.

“Are you fucking kidding me?!” I scream, staring as she unscrews her necklace, the only thing she has on, her tits on full display, not that she cares.

“This will be but a memory in a moment, sweet London, and who knows, maybe you’ll want to play with us once you’re nice and dosed.”

“I’m right fucking here.” I jerk forward, shoving at her, but she bends like the fucking exorcist and blows glitter in my face.

I choke as it lands in my mouth and then Ben starts gurgling.

I spin but then I freeze. He’s not gurgling, he’s…moaning and thrusting up into her, her own sounds of pleasure following.

“What in the actual fuck?”

Ben blinks, his head jerking toward me and his eyes widen. “Shit, Lon, what are you doing?”

“I…” My mind races. “I…” I shake my head.

A spark flickers in the air and I stare, wide-eyed, as that same fucking vortex appears, and in he steps.

Ben jolts upright in the bed. “What the fu—”

The blue-eyed bastard flings a hand out, and suddenly Ben is a statue, Alex still on his dick.

All four brothers file into Ben’s room and I start to shake.

Alex laughs and I snap.

“Get the fuck off him!” I scream so loud I feel a blood vessel pop in my neck.

“Get the fuck away from him,” Knight growls.

I jerk closer, gripping Ben’s arm as if to protect him, and Knight nearly flies over the bed, his brothers holding him back as his limbs shake.

Fear swallows me whole and I feel around, coming up with the award Ben got for his top-notch performance on the ice last year.

They all shift closer and I slam it against the dresser, my hand bleeding as it shatters into pieces.

A growl rips from Knight’s throat and he tears free, leaping over the bed as I fall to my knees, scrambling back to pick up the largest piece.

He’s in my face as I push to my feet, cornering me.

His lip curls and he presses closer; they all do. Alex suddenly nowhere to be seen.

“Please,” I whisper, tears falling from my eyes.

Without thought, I swipe at my cheeks, my blood-smeared hand streaking across my face, small shards of glass cutting my skin. I wince and Knight’s eyes flash white as sharp points appear below his upper lip, stabbing straight into his bottom lip.

I scream and he jerks toward me. Throwing my hand out, I shove the sharp glass straight into his neck, pressing it deeper with all my might. I feel the bones in his neck crunch as I plunge deeper and deeper.

Blood spills from his wound, pouring over my fingers, and he makes a gurgling sound, choking on his own blood as it seeps from his mouth.

He falls to his knees, his eyes wide on mine as his hands try desperately to close the cut. Oh my god. What have I done?


