Fate of a Royal (Lords of Rathe #1) Read Online Meagan Brandy, Amo Jones

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors: , Series: Amo Jones
Series: Lords of Rathe Series by Meagan Brandy

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 93354 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 467(@200wpm)___ 373(@250wpm)___ 311(@300wpm)

Heat covers me at once as his tongue dives into my entrance. I grip the sheets once more, my back arching off the bed. His tongue flattens against my clit and I lift my hips to chase friction when I’m met with air.

I push up from the bed as I see a body crash into Knight’s. A dark hooded man, and any time I try to chase what he looks like, he shifts, tackling Knight to the ground. Flesh being pounded filters through the air and I quickly jump up, screaming.

Blood splatters over my face when I reach for the shoulder of the intruder, and his body stills beneath my grip. Knight peers up at me from below, blood that both is and isn’t his dripping over his face and split eye. Whoever this dude is, Knight got him good enough to make him bleed. Just hopefully not the blood that’s in my mouth.

He slowly turns, and my blood starts to run cold.

“Hey, asshole! Get the fuck out of my room before I”—my mouth falls open and my stomach twists like hot coil—“what the fuck?”

I look down to Knight, who’s now flashing me a wicked grin, before going back to the hooded creature, who is staring right at me now. A straight copy and paste of Knight. “I’m dreaming again.”

Stepping backward, I shake my head and tuck my hair behind my ear. I am fucking dreaming again. Did I ever even wake up?!

“You’re not dreaming, London.” Knight’s voice cuts through.


I point toward the two of them, heart pounding in my chest as I subconsciously move farther and farther away. “Which one of you is Knight?”

The hooded one slowly rolls back, turning to face me completely as Knight pushes himself off the floor, swiping the blood from his mouth. They stand side-by-side identical, and I squeeze my eyes closed to force them to focus. Only this time when I open them, they’re still standing in the same spot.

Knight picks up his shirt from the ground, throwing it over his shoulder and pulls out a fat looking cigar. He bites it into his mouth. “Damn. Now that doesn’t happen every day.”

Knight—wait—I turn to the left, Knight. The hooded Knight closes the distance between us before his hands are wrapped around my face and chin and he’s forcing me up against the wall, my head cracking against it. “You mean to tell me you didn’t know that wasn’t me?”

“How the fuck—” I force myself out of his grip. “—was I to know? You’re fucking twins! And you’re both here? Wait—” I swallow thickly. “Why the fuck are you both here?”

The corner of this Knight’s mouth curls and I swear I hear a deep growl vibrate off his chest.

“You ever—” A loud sound of wind swirls around the room and Hoodie Knight, who I’m guessing is real Knight, unless Knight is just some name they use to fuck with people, turns over his shoulder. Dust falls over my face and everything goes black.



My hand catches the skin around the back of his neck just as the portal shuts behind us. I don’t give him a second to stand before I’m throwing his body against the brick building behind him. The marble stones crack when his body falls back to the ground.

“What the fuck is your problem?” Sin shoves me in my chest, swiping his new blood splatters off his chin. “What the fuck do you care?” The streets in the city are quiet, but then I knew they would be. It’s timeless here, but even the magic needs to refuel.

“Knight!” he shouts, but I give him no more than my fucking back as I barrel down the road.

If I don’t get away from him now, I’ll do something I’ll regret. Show my cards, not that I didn’t do that already.

I don’t ask why he sent us here out of everywhere. Why does he portal us home? I let my feet take me to the only place where I’ll find answers. The city is almost always alive, but tonight, on All Hallows’ Eve, we don’t have a chance. We don’t celebrate the same way the Giftless do.

If only. Then maybe it would be over quicker.

I keep following the marble pathway down the street, passing all of the smaller shops. Convenience stores, bars. That’s all we really need down here—or up. I stop walking when I hit the entrance to a dark alley. Trees curve over the pathway, with shadows dancing across the pavement. The trees whisper little notes.

That’s a Royal…oh no…whatever will he do.

Someone giggles and then adds, He will come and steal us. Only we hope he actually takes us to bed this time. I roll my eyes. The squawking of the butterflies dying off into the distance.

The store catches my eyes instantly. Nestled between two over-the-top large buildings is a smaller one with two pointed cones reaching up to the sky from the ceiling. It kind of looks like a miniature dark castle. Blood red illuminates from the windows and I quickly pick up my pace to make it across the road. My hands come to the door handle, and I push it open. Fog swims around my ankles as the smell of burning sage and lavender drifts up my nostrils.


