Fate of a Royal (Lords of Rathe #1) Read Online Meagan Brandy, Amo Jones

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors: , Series: Amo Jones
Series: Lords of Rathe Series by Meagan Brandy

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 93354 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 467(@200wpm)___ 373(@250wpm)___ 311(@300wpm)

London hums her approval, and when I flip her over, she goes with a happy little yelp. Widening her stance without being told, I shove into her from behind.

A deep groan pulls from me and she purrs to life.

“C’mere.” I skate my hand up her spine, locking onto the back of her neck. Magic buzzes beneath my touch when I summon her, knowing damn well she’s too out of it to notice. Just as she didn’t notice the cryokinesis trickery I was using, sending icy chills over her breasts to tease and pebble her nipples even more, to bite at her clit in a way that has her pussy squeezing me so fucking good.

I imagine what I want it to do, sending small swirls of cool air over her clit, and she gasps, head dropping to my shoulder.

I take her chin in my hand and smash my lips to hers.

She presses into me, and I drive into her and my body starts to shake, tension pulling at my every muscle and she does the same, her brows tightening.

My orgasm is right there, ready to erupt and she’s right there with me.

Sweat beads at my brows and her eyes flash to mine, holding a sliver of panic that’s working its way into her.

My limbs shake, my hands stiffening, locking around her without permission and she reaches back, gripping my face.

My dick flexes, strains, and her walls pulse around me.

Heat like I’ve never felt before spreads through my veins like fire.

“What—” she cuts off with a swallow.

And then we both come, at the same time, and the second our bodies let go, erupting in sync, we quake, but it’s not like the heady tremble of a fuck well done.

It’s more.

Electricity zings across my skin, zapping against her and she gasps, eyes blowing wide as she stares into mine.

A low growl starts deep in my chest, way the fuck down in there somewhere, as if coming from a pit I never knew existed, and when it reaches my throat, forcing its way out, it’s a foreign sound.

My teeth elongate, pricking at my lower lip, and she clenches her eyes closed, a small, muffled cry leaving her as if she’s pained.

Light sparks around us, flickering and popping, and what the actual fuck?!

Straining, I tug on my gift, and it takes everything I have to tear myself from her.

I stumble from the bed, falling onto my fucking ass. Drunk with fatigue. That has to be it.

I don’t bother going for my clothes.

I flick my fingers, and a portal appears, my eyes toward her. She’s fallen over, eyes still closed as she grips at her throat, the harsh acrid scent of her fear like flames in my nostrils.

Every part of me goes on high alert, demanding I go to her. That I eliminate the threat, help her, shield her.

To protect what’s mine.



I rage war with my mind, digging into it and clawing at the part of me that seems to be on some Mage fucking madness, a cocktail of twisted shit fucking me up from the inside out and warping reality, fucking with my mind and waking the deeper, dormant parts of me.

This girl? This little Giftless girl is not fucking mine.

She’s nothing but a toy. A worthless plaything.

I’m a fucking royal. The strongest bloodline our kind has ever seen runs through my veins.

I grind my teeth until I feel one crack, and then I step through the fucking portal.

In less than a blink I’m back home, but the separation does nothing to help.

My lungs are closing in on me, caving deep within my chest to the point that it’s a struggle to breathe. Shit, it’s a struggle to fucking stand. It’s like the first time I slipped through a portal, only ten times worse. I fling my arm out, using a simple summoning spell to call the couch to me, and with only seconds to spare, I collapse onto it, my fingers digging into the material. Rolling onto my back, I strain against the never-ending tug threatening to tear my tendons in two.

A deep rumble stirs in my chest, fire like never before causing literal sweat to build along my hairline and I grit my teeth. “Goddammit!”

Squeezing my eyes shut, I fight for control of myself, shutting down everything raging inside me and focusing only on the tiny flicker of a flame I picture deep within my mind. I watch as the flame dances, changing from soft orange to reds and blues until finally, my eyes fly open.

My shoulders ease the slightest bit and my nostrils flare with a deep, full breath, but the instant the heavy inhale fills my airway, my heart starts beating triple time in my chest.

Her scent, it’s all fucking over me. Along my lips and chin, my fingers and my cock.


