Fate of a Royal (Lords of Rathe #1) Read Online Meagan Brandy, Amo Jones

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors: , Series: Amo Jones
Series: Lords of Rathe Series by Meagan Brandy

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 93354 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 467(@200wpm)___ 373(@250wpm)___ 311(@300wpm)

His cock finds my entrance without any guidance, and with our gazes locked, he shoves inside me.



I was fucking right. She’s a fitted glove of the most exquisite velvet money can’t buy. She’s so fucking tight and soft and warm.

So fucking mine.

Tonight. She’s mine tonight and tonight only because I like to share.

I will share.

Heat ripples down my spine at the thought, but I focus on the dick-dazed girl beneath me. She looks so good there, like a perfect fucking fit.

I swear, little reams of silver light up the edges of her eyes, but when I blink, they’re gone and I pull back, slowly shoving inside her again, each time a little harder. A little deeper, and when her legs come up to lock around me, I take that as my cue to fuck her raw.

“I want you to bleed for me. I want you sore and aching.” I pump in and out of her, my hips slapping against hers with loud thwacks. “I want you thinking of me with every step you take.”

She pulls her knees back, throwing them over my shoulders with a Cheshire grin, and something rumbles deep in my chest.

I lean forward, gripping her headboard, and I don’t hold back. I fuck her until she’s screaming, quickly throwing a barrier up around us to keep her little fucking friend from bursting in. Normally, I wouldn’t care, I’d want him to hear, to walk in and watch my cock own her, but I’m burning up from the inside out, boiling with this internal need like never before to claim. To take.

To fucking own.

If someone interrupts, they’d be dead before their mouth opens. Period.

“I can feel you in my stomach,” she gasps, clawing at the sheets beneath her, so I take her hands and put them where she wants. The heat of her palms slides beneath my shirt and a tingling sensation zips down my fucking spine. She tugs on the thick cotton, and I let her tear it over my head and toss it to the side. She smirks, nails grazing over my abs and leaving tiny trails on their way up to my shoulders.

She grabs hold, hauling herself up a little, that talented tongue sweeping along the center of my chest.

I hiss, my fingers digging into her ass cheeks. I shift and drop back, bring her down on top of me, her legs instantly weaving behind my back.

Her head falls back, eyes rolling as I sink even deeper. “Good fucking god, Knight.”


“Hmm?” She grips my hair, tugging my face to her chest and I oblige, lowering to tear her tits free.

“I’m a monster, Little London. No god could challenge me.” I grip her hips and she takes over, dancing on my dick like she’s the prized dancer of the fucking Paris Opera Ballet. She rides smooth and effortless and like she was meant to sit right here for all eternity, right on my aching, angry cock.

“What kind of monster are you, Knight?”

The way the syllables of my name roll around her tongue has my head spinning.

My balls grow tight, my muscles flex, and I growl into her flesh, pulling her nipple between my lips and sucking hard.

I’m not her anything and she’s my nothing, so why does my blood pump ten times fucking faster when those words work their way down my spine?

Her skin is flush and thick with sweat, and when she drops her head back, her neck teases me. It tempts me in the worst fucking way.

I want to let my teeth loose and watch as panic bleeds into her eyes and she scurries up the mattress, desperate to flee but with no escape. It would only take a little nudge; a tiny push to dip beneath that fear and find that fire I see in her. It’s there, buried beneath the frost, iced over the parts of her from me. She would soon beg for my bite, and I would fucking give her what she wanted.

My anger spikes, boiling my blood. I grip her hair and force her to me, my lips pressing at her ear to answer the question, but she’s so damn lost in her cresting orgasm.

“Think of the worst kind of monster you can imagine, and once you have it in mind, picture me ripping his heart out, ’cause I am ten times what you could ever imagine me to be.”

My hands glide down her back and her rhythm picks up.

She rides me fast and hard, panting as she pulls back to look at me. Her big blue eyes stare into mine and she shocks me when she smiles and says, “What if I said I have always wanted to play with the devil, if only to see how bad it would burn?”

“Then I would say you’re pretty fucking close to getting what you wished for. Now shut the fuck up and take this dick like you were made to.”


