Fate of a Royal (Lords of Rathe #1) Read Online Meagan Brandy, Amo Jones

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors: , Series: Amo Jones
Series: Lords of Rathe Series by Meagan Brandy

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 93354 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 467(@200wpm)___ 373(@250wpm)___ 311(@300wpm)

Red stains his mouth, and he yanks her head, claiming her lips and feeding her her own fuel as he slams back inside her.

My mouth waters and I reach for the drink on the table—finally a real fucking party.

Lava swims beneath our feet between the hot rocks, and if it wasn’t for my protecting London, she would have burned to a crisp as soon as she landed here through the portal. I swallow the whole bottle in one go, and Silver chuckles, gesturing to an Ordinary to bring us another drink.

“Two more.”

My knee jiggles and a hand comes to my chest, sharp red nails in view. I’m agitated. I can feel myself build as seconds pass. It shouldn’t bother me. She shouldn’t bother me. But even as I watch her from across the room, her in my world, I don’t want to send her back.

I kind of want to keep her, like I would a toy that I could play with anytime I wanted.

Still might. Haven’t decided.

“I recognize that look,” the girl purrs from behind, and I know it’s not Alex. Alex would have dipped out as soon as she saw the shifter fucking the Fae. Alex is prissy as fuck and pretends like she can handle shit on this side. It’s Helena, a good fuck who likes the feel of fire over her body any time she’s about to orgasm.

My hand flies out to stop Helena, as an idea flashes in my head.

“Not me tonight.” I press my finger into my mouth, blowing out a loud whistle. Like a good pet, London’s whole body stills, her drink mid-air. Interesting that she knew it was me and that call was for her.

“London, c’mere.” The music continues and no one bats an eye. Using their own magic, they’ve all quite clearly blocked out whatever is happening around them so they can do what they came here to do.

Fuck and kill. The killing is, well, not the kind you’d find yourself hung for.

Slowly, her little body turns in her chair until her eyes are on mine. I don’t miss the way they flicker over my shoulder to Helena, but she collects herself and straightens her shoulders when she comes back to me.

My top lip curls. It’s cute, little one, that you think you can pretend with me.

Her eyes widen, as if she’s in shock, but she shakes her head and brushes whatever it is that bothered her off.

I nod to Kaia and she glares at me. Kaia hardly does as she’s told, but she’s learning.

She rolls her eyes and gestures over to where Silver and I are seated. Legend jumps over the sofa to the side, pulling Helena onto his lap instead. He clearly picks up my animosity. I don’t bother asking where Creed and Sin are as London finally makes her way to us.

She stops in front of the sofa, looking between it and me. Tucking her hair behind her ear, she finally lowers herself down, her eyes blinking past whatever it is that’s going on inside her head. Dammit. Where the fuck is Creed when you need him?

She spots Legend now. He gives her a small smirk, probably remembering what she felt like right before she came. The thought has my blood boiling so hot that my fucking fingers burn.

She gives me her full attention once more. “What, Knight? You gonna explain why this is the wildest dream I’ve ever had.” She thinks she’s dreaming.


I flash her a full-tooth smile. That’s exactly what I plan to do, and it just so happens that oneirokinesis is my favorite fuck around. Let’s see how far I can push her when her eyes close at night. The perfect way to fuck with someone is through dream manipulation. She’s not going to know what’s real and what isn’t. I don’t need to stalk her in real life, because I can step through the doorway to her dreams any. Time. I. Want.

But first…

I tilt my head, scanning her up and down. From her high cheekbones to the natural swell of her lips. There’s just no way a human is this fucking hot.

“Helena,” I call out, but keep my eyes on London’s. Her ice blue to my turquoise. “Kiss London.”

London’s brows hit her hairline, her hands flying to the sides of her chair. I follow the sharp line of her jaw, all the way to the vein on her neck, and watch as it flutters against her smooth flesh. My mouth waters, and I hold down a growl, grinding my teeth. I don’t just want to taste her; I want to own her. I’d eat her fucking whole and wouldn’t bat an eye as I did it, but that isn’t what this is. I want to savor her. I’m not fucking Creed. I don’t enjoy the feast more than I need the hunt.


