Caressed by Sin – Love, Death, and Magic Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 78259 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 391(@200wpm)___ 313(@250wpm)___ 261(@300wpm)

He wagged a finger. “I’ve had quiet enough of your venom and those damn needles!”

He rose an inch and hovered over me. “Perhaps, I’ll rip your fangs out first, then fuck you until your pussy is split open.”

Dung beetle!

Those glowing red eyes pierced mine. “What do you think, sweet fairy?”

Pure horror rushed inside me. I breathed in and out at a rapid rate, my breasts rising to meet the vibrating wall of muscle on his chest. “It’s not. . .like you think. I wasn’t trying to kill you or—”

He growled, “Explain.”

“You had me ready to have sex with you and I didn’t want to go there, so I put you to sleep, but the deal is still on. We’re—”

“No, hunter. The deal is off!” He leaned down until the tips of our noses touched, filling the space with his earthy mixture of pine and juniper. “And letting you live is debatable.”

“Please, Azar.”

“Those were strong punches you gave me just now.”

“You were choking me.”

He sneered. “Are you enjoying the effects of my blood?”

“Yes,” I whispered with shame. “Azar, I haven’t harmed you. I brought you safely here. There is no reason to kill me.”

He went silent. The only thing I could hear was my heart booming in my ears.

After a few minutes, he spoke. “Why didn’t you turn me in to Adae? I’m worth a lot.”

“I’ve heard the stories. I know you escaped four times and killed two powerful sorcerers.” I closed my eyes, hoping I hadn’t angered him further by my confession. “The chances of you escaping and trying to kill me were too high.”

His heavy weight left my body. The couch’s pillows moved under me.

Am I safe?

I opened my eyes and realized that he was on the other side of the room.

Suddenly, he began looking himself over as if it were the first time he’d done so. Dark growling ensued, making him sound like a deranged rabid dog.

What now?

His hands explored his body. Growling, he yanked at the shirt I’d put on him. It was a pale blue linen shirt with white buttons.

He spoke through clenched teeth. “All hells.”

“Y-you don’t like. . .blue?”

He moved his hands down to the khaki pants—that I’d put on him before I wheeled him into the airport. Disgust creased his face. A darker growl left his throat as his lips thinned into a frown. “Khaki?”

My heartbeats sped up.

He snapped his furious gaze my way. “Do I look like a khaki type of demon?”

“It was hard to find your size so quickly and—”

His clothes exploded from his body, stopping me in mid-sentence.

I froze.

Bits of khaki and blue linen floated, whirling in the air as they traveled towards the carpet.

He stood in the nude, bulging with muscle.

I gasped, trying not to focus on his cock as the thick, heavy length hung down to his knee. Several hours ago, I’d had a challenging time not playing with it when I’d put that outfit on. Never had I seen one so big.


I trembled.

“Khaki?” Leather materialized and appeared, swirling out of the air like a gentle wave and wrapping around his golden sculpted body. Slowly, it began forming into pants. “I’ve killed people for less.”

“I-I didn’t know you had any clothing preferences. I’m so sorry.”

“Why should I care about your situation, hunter?”

I sat up. “Azar, I need your help.”

The leather pants finished, resembling a second skin.

He remained where he was. His eyes traveled down my body, making me shift uncomfortably in my yellow night shirt and then he turned around and headed for the door.

“No! Azar, I need you.” I jumped off the couch and raced his way, almost bumping into him as he stopped in front of the door. “I’m sorry. I’ll never bite you again. I just didn’t want to be…vulnerable. You just appeared with a deal. . . and your fingers…I needed time to think.”

His back muscles flexed. “You should be happy that I didn’t kill you. Instead, you beg me for help?”

“I’m desperate—”

“And stupid.”

“I’ll take that. But, I still need your help. And we had a deal.”


“Please. . .I didn’t turn you into Adae. That has to count for something.”

He rolled his shoulders and exhaled. Still, he didn’t turn around. Instead, he remained staring at the door. “What is Adae holding for the debt?”

“My daughter.” I swallowed the pain that was rising in my chest and tried to make the image of Jade’s little face disappear. “Adae is keeping my daughter at his castle until I pay off my husband’s debt.”

“How old is your daughter?”


“How much did your husband owe.”

“Ten million blood coins.” I sighed. “Five million of my husband’s debt remains.”

Blood coins were the only source of commerce in the supernatural world. One used it to travel among our kind, pay their living expense in hidden enchanted cities, and purchase spell recipes as well as ingredients.


