Caressed by Sin – Love, Death, and Magic Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 78259 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 391(@200wpm)___ 313(@250wpm)___ 261(@300wpm)


I grinned. “Yes. Really.”

“Perhaps, it is due to my age.” He kept his voice low. “I’ve been around for a long time. For many decades, I’ve traveled.”

“Have you visited every country?”

“Of course.” He chuckled. “I’ve most definitely been to every major capital and secondary city. Of course, some countries have changed their capitals by now, but even those I’ve seen.”

“And now you can smell what city you’re in, just from being in it?”

“Absolutely. I could have my eyes closed and my ears plugged and know where I am.”

“Amazing.” I glanced out the window.

Rio de Janeiro passed in a carnival of lights stretched beyond the horizon. It was a visual feast, pulsating and bursting with energy. Music sounded from every facet, the beaches, hills, and even the yachts on the ocean.

A glowing massive Christ the Redeemer statue loomed over it all. The statue was illuminated by spotlights, making it seem like a beacon of hope in the night.

I glanced over my shoulder.

Azar had been watching me.

“What does this city smell like to you?”

“Rio de Janeiro has a unique smell.” Azar sniffed the air. “It is a mixture of salty ocean air and wet sand, sizzling grilled piranha steak topped with the aroma of crunchy cassava chips. And then there is the sugary scent of faith that connects all of those smells into one.”



Intrigued, I asked, “How does faith smell?”

“Hmm.” He sniffed the air again. “Faith smells different in each place. For example, if five women wore the same perfume, there would be subtle differences. That is how faith smells different in other places.”

“But still. . .what does faith smell like to you?”

“It smells like home mixed with the scent of a newborn baby and your first love. It’s the fragrance of a fireplace burning on a cold night and the aroma of a new book just being opened. It’s the smell of a friend’s hug and the scent of loved one’s words. It smells like so many things that we love, that we find comfort in.”

“I would think that you would say it smelled like a church.”

Azar roared with laughter, so loud that the driver glanced over his shoulder. “Very funny, Hunter.”

“I wasn’t trying to be funny.”

“Fatou, why would a church smell like faith?”

“Because that’s where faith is supposed to be found.”

Azar gave me a wicked smile. “That’s usually the last place you’ll find faith. But what you will most likely discover are beings, like the sons and daughters of Lucifer and Lilith lurking all over the church, hoping to feed.”

Shocked, I blinked. “Is that. . .where demons come from? Lucifer and Lilith. The first two angels that fell from heaven.”

“You don’t know where we come from?”

“Adae said you all were created from a vampire virus that went wrong.”

“Oh really?” He smirked. “Tell me more.”

“According to Adae, if a vampire bites you, then you will either become a vampire or some form of demon.”

“Adae is too powerful, old, and smart to believe that.” Azar looked off in the distance. “But most of all, I wonder why he would tell you something so ridiculous.”

“What do you mean?”

“Adae has plans. Part of it must involve other incubus demons and me, but I don’t know what. Maybe, his plans involve you too. That explanation is silly and ridiculous.” Azar shook his head. “However, our focus should be on Ferkos right now.”

“You said he isn’t like you, but he is an incubus demon.”

“He’s a perverted monster.”

I smirked. “How is that different from you?”

“I am sensuality. Due to his liderc nature, he wants to do more than fuck your body. He yearns to fuck your mind.”


“It gives him a stronger high. And the mind fuck doesn’t have to be nice or sexy. It could be completely demented. In fact, the more wrong it is, the better.”


“He’s been known to take on the appearance of a long-dead relative and then proceed to fuck you.”


“Can you imagine a dear relative that you have been mourning suddenly taking control of your body in the most erotic way?”

“That’s not anything I would want to imagine.”

“And that’s where the real mind fucking begins.”

I was about to ask more when the taxi stopped.

I turned and glanced out of the window.

A black church stood before me.

Azar paid the driver.

I continued to stare at the black church in awe and terror.

“Come on, Hunter.” A wicked laugh left Azar as he tugged at the platinum chain connected to my choker. “Let’s go get answers from Ferkos.”

I hope I won’t regret this.

Chapter 8

The Black Church


The imposing black church stood before us, looking haunted and foreboding. It was located on the outskirts of the city. A graveyard surrounded it.

It made me feel like there was an unseen presence lurking inside, swallowing the light and exuding demonic darkness.

With each step closer, I studied the property some more. The church had inky black siding, midnight black shutters, a huge black door, and even glossy black windows that reflected images like mirrors.


