#BURN Read Online Devon McCormack (Fever Falls #2)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Fever Falls Series by Devon McCormack
Series: Fever Falls Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 96922 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 485(@200wpm)___ 388(@250wpm)___ 323(@300wpm)

As helpful as I was trying to be, there were some other, more personal interests I was tending to as well, and fortunately, I had just the friends I could talk to about it…

* * *

“You mind if I ask a weird question?”

Ash, Beau, and I sat on the back deck of Benny’s house, having just finished a few hours of working on his roof. They’d been kind enough to lend me some help that afternoon, and in return, I’d offered them some of Nance’s leftover barbecue from a few nights earlier.

“Shoot,” Beau said, then took another bite.

Ash eyed me suspiciously, I guessed because after my query when he was working on Nance’s car, he knew the sort of question I could ask.

“How do you bottom good?”

Beau jerked forward as he started to choke on his chicken. “The fuck?” he asked between coughs as he recovered from what must’ve been more of a surprise than I’d figured it would be. Ash gave him a few pats on the back.

“You alright?” I asked.

“Yeah, yeah.” Beau chuckled. “Just not the question I was expecting.”

“So…” Ash began, like he was considering what I was asking.

“Is it bottoming good or bottoming well? Or bottoming best? I don’t know, I wasn’t that great in English.”

“We understood the question,” Ash said with a smile.

“I assume this is because of a certain Lil’ Donnie Gibson?” Beau added.

I’d already talked with Ash and Beau about the whole situation with Dax—his feelings around all that and how we were planning to proceed. Ash had been awesome about helping me out with my newly acquired fame around town, and being a couple, I figured they could give me some guidance on how to deal with seeing someone while dealing with all the other stuff that came along with my endorsement deal. But my curiosity wasn’t exclusively about the dynamics of our predicament.

“It has a lot to do with him,” I replied. “I kind of owe him.”

“Owe him?” Ash asked. “Look, you don’t owe any guy—”

“Dude, whoa, hosing that down before anything gets started. We made a little fun game where he would bottom for me and I’d bottom for him. He wouldn’t actually ever make me do it if I didn’t want to. But I do. And I would like to be good at it. He was really good, and it had me wondering what makes someone…the best bottom.”

“Well, you’ve come to the right couple,” Ash said.

“Oh, Mr. Best At Everything?” Beau teased with an eye roll.

“If you insist.”

God, I loved these guys.

“So, good bottoming…” Beau said.

They both pondered that for a moment.

“What? How is that a hard question?” I pressed.

They glanced at each other, and Ash said, “You just kind of do it and figure it out, I think. Most guys aren’t trying to be the best bottom.”

“Speak for yourself,” Beau teased, and they shared another laugh.

Seeing how amused they were by my question, I assumed I had my answer. “I’m overthinking it, aren’t I?”

“Just a tad,” Ash said. “I get it, though. I was nervous at first too. I don’t do it very often, but I enjoy it when I do. I like sharing that with Beau.”

“It’s been on my mind, since we kind of did some stuff back there, and I did enjoy him doing other stuff back there, but then he went out of town, and now…”

“And now you’re ready to just give it up to him?” Beau asked.

“Pretty much, but I don’t really know what to do.”

“Put your hips into it,” Ash said. “Just work that a little bit. Don’t be too over-the-top with it and end up thrusting him off the bed. Give a good push back, try to milk that dick. Give those cheeks a good squeeze when you need to.”

“Now I feel I should be taking notes,” Beau said, eyes wide as he listened to his boyfriend sharing his secrets.

“And don’t worry about recording until you get in a more serious relationship,” Ash added.

“Recording?” I asked.

“Gotta watch film to improve your game,” he replied with a wink.

Beau elbowed him in the chest. “We don’t have to share all our secrets.”

“Nothing wrong with the guy wanting to be prepared,” Ash said.

“Very true,” Beau added. “Jace, have you played around with a dildo before?”

“What? No!”

Beau looked to Ash again, then shook his head, turning to me. “Oh, sweet, innocent Jace. If you want to really know what you’re getting yourself into, go to the adult store, grab yourself a dildo of his approximate size, and play around for yourself. It’ll be less of a shock when you have him in there, and then you’ll be able to have some fun with it and not be so stressed about that.”

Ash nodded in agreement.

“Huh. Not a bad idea.”

“We’re pretty good at this friends thing,” Ash said with as cocky a shrug as he could manage.


