#BURN Read Online Devon McCormack (Fever Falls #2)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Fever Falls Series by Devon McCormack
Series: Fever Falls Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 96922 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 485(@200wpm)___ 388(@250wpm)___ 323(@300wpm)

His initial rise to stardom had been the perfect beginning to a fabulous launch, and being back in the spotlight hadn’t been the nightmare I’d envisioned it to be. It was hard to obsess about public opinion when I would find myself waking with him in a hotel room, or my place, or his place.

The honeymoon period was an exhilarating high. I didn’t care about seeing my name being tweeted or blogged about when I knew that no matter what they fucking said, I got to spend my days with him. Whatever spell he had over the media and his adoring fans, he had over me. I couldn’t imagine it was nearly as bad for the rest of them, because being kissed by Jace, being in his arms, made his effect on me all the more powerful.

It was effortless to find reasons to be together the first couple of months. He had plenty of events and obligations I was required to attend with him. And when we’d spend a few days or an entire week apart, we texted each other in the meantime.

One of the events Jace was contractually obligated to attend was a major fashion show that Hacksmore was hosting in New York City. Another of many star-studded events I accompanied Jace to since we’d begun. He just had to show his face and snap some pics with Hacksmore and some of the models. In some ways, his job at gigs like these was like being a costumed performer at a theme park.

After he finished his responsibilities, we reconvened with Carter near the bar.

“I’m totally going after that WME agent, Brant Reagan,” Carter said.

“Are you seriously trolling a fancy party like this to satisfy your dick?”

“My dick? Are you fucking kidding me? It’s this ass I want Brant to serve.”

Jace was all smiles. “Oh, I know the feeling.”

His eyes were on me as he said it, as if letting me know how much he wanted it later. Eagerness swelled within me.

Because he was trying to catch some days back at the station, I had only managed to schedule his flight for earlier today, meaning we hadn’t gotten to mess around yet.

Carter glanced between us, his expression stoic as he said, “You guys just do whatever in the bedroom, don’t you? Flip-flopping all over the place, cuffing each other to headboards, swinging around in slings?”

“Carter, can you be professional?” I said with a tone.

“Is this some sort of roleplay? Because I can get into that. Oh, don’t look at me like that, Dax. I’m kidding! Can’t you take a joke? But if your man doesn’t think it’s a joke, maybe we could work something up…inside me?”

Jace couldn’t keep a straight face through Carter’s offers, of which there’d been more than enough since he’d been running around with Jace and me through the publicity circuit.

“Hey, can’t blame a guy for trying!”

“I think it’s time for you to ghost this conversation and go chat up your WME agent,” I told him.

“Ghost this conversation? What the hell do you know about ghosting? I can’t imagine that either of you know what it’s like to be ghosted on Grindr.”

“I’ve never been on Grindr,” Jace noted.

Carter’s jaw dropped, and he seemed to be taking a moment to think on that. “Oh, Jace Kruse, only you can make innocence look so goddamn sexy.”

“Brant Reagan is waiting,” I encouraged.

“Fine,” Carter groaned before heading on his way, leaving Jace still chuckling at the exchange.

“He’s a good guy,” Jace said.

“Yeah, just enjoys getting under my skin, but that’s why I keep him around.”

“Well, seems like he would prefer to have us a few other ways.”

“Probably more than either of us can imagine.”

“Maybe a few we can try to imagine, minus him,” Jace said, leaning in and planting a kiss on me.

I could hear a few people awwing at the sight, but it didn’t spoil the moment.

I had found all this far easier to manage than I’d initially expected.

Jace made everything easier.

We stuck around for about an hour longer, and once we finished our obligation at the show, Hacksmore had a limo take us back to the hotel.

I hadn’t bothered to get my own room on this occasion, as I knew I’d be spending my time with Jace. We struggled to keep our hands off one another through our shower, but finally he pulled away and said, “It hasn’t been that bad, has it?”

“What? The event? I thought it went well. Why?”

“That’s not what I meant. The event went great, but I meant everything you were worried about when all this started.”

“Funny you should mention it. I was thinking about that tonight. No, it hasn’t been nearly as bad. I hadn’t realized how much like riding a bike it would be for me, and really, it’s easier because this time I know I’m not alone.”


