#BURN Read Online Devon McCormack (Fever Falls #2)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Fever Falls Series by Devon McCormack
Series: Fever Falls Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 96922 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 485(@200wpm)___ 388(@250wpm)___ 323(@300wpm)

Licks transformed into kisses, and then I finally managed to force myself back, lick my finger, and run it along the edges. I pushed gently, nudging my way back into him with my forefinger. Amazing how tight a hole could be, so tight one would have never guessed a big fat cock could fit up in it.

“God, I’m gonna need you to ease into it,” Dax warned, and I retreated.

“Is that too much already?”

“No, no. It’s been a very long time since I’ve bottomed for anyone, so just keep that in mind.”

I smiled. “Again, I have had anal before, so I’m not totally unprepared.”

“Speaking of prepared…”

“On it,” I said, crawling over to the nightstand to fetch some lube and condoms.

“That’s a few condoms there.”

“I have a tendency to break them.”

Dax snickered. “I bet you fucking do. Jace Kruse, Destroyer of Magnums. Maybe we should have gone for a different sort of endorsement deal.”

I crawled back over to him and tossed the condoms down beside his waist, enjoying checking out the ridges of his abs and his shallow navel, all of which I could just imagine soiled in cum.

I opened the bottle of lube and collected some on my fore and middle fingers before massaging them against Dax’s pretty hole.

“Ooh, so gentle,” Dax teased, but I could tell he wasn’t mocking me, and my cock twitched.

“Feels good?”

“And so considerate. I’ll make sure to return the favor.”

I chuckled at the thought of our ridiculous deal. Silly as it may have been, it was also hot as hell.

“Yeah, it feels really good,” he finally answered.

I continued making circles, massaging my way inside him until he arched his back, his abs shifting as he twisted on the bed, his lips making an O-shape as he took a deep breath.

My cock throbbed, my balls aching the longer I played with that tight hole. Seeing how much pleasure he was taking just in this made it so easy to imagine what it would be like to be inside him, to read his expression and body language as I made my way deeper.

I continued easing my way in, and when I felt like he’d adjusted to that much, I removed my fingers and rolled on a condom.

“Just remember to keep it slow at first,” Dax reminded me.

“I will. Tell me if anything hurts, okay?” I hoped I would be able to read him well enough to stop before it got to that point, but I didn’t want him to hesitate if anything didn’t feel good.

Because I wanted him to feel so good. I wanted my cock to be his whole world for as long as I was inside him.

“Let me see those pretty cheeks,” I said, hooking my arms under his legs, and Dax rolled onto his stomach.

I put my hands on those firm globes and knelt down, softly biting the right before kissing it wide-mouthed, licking as I gripped the other cheek and fondled his flesh.

He rose onto his knees, forearms against the sheets, as though he was giving his ass up to me, as though all the attention I’d shown it had earned me the right to take him the way he didn’t permit others to. I kissed his ass cheeks some more, making my way back to his delicious hole, savoring it.

Dax rolled his head back. “Apparently, your experience with women hasn’t been for nothing.”

I chuckled against his flesh and got back to work. I picked up the lube bottle, and with my face still pressed up against him, poured some on my fingers.

It was a strain to force myself away from that beautiful ass for any amount of time, because on the one hand, I wanted to have my cock buried inside him, but on the other, I wanted to keep pleasuring him with my tongue.

I snarled in frustration, pushing my index and middle finger in him the way I had before, easing my way in. The way they disappeared inside him had me aching to the point where I thought I was going to lose my mind from wanting him so badly.

There was this stray thought flying around in the back of my mind about never having done this with a man, but an ass was an ass, and my desire for him outweighed any hesitation as I finally pulled my fingers out.

I crawled forward on the bed and pushed the head of my cock against that hole. I rested one hand on his hip, noticing his back muscles tense up.

“You still okay?” I asked. Despite the powerful desire coursing through me, I wasn’t about to push forward another moment if there was any uneasiness on his end.

He turned back to me, giving me a view of that sexy face, that to-die-for smirk, and I released a soft growl.

He must’ve detected the potent desire pulsing through me because he warned, “I just want to remind you again that it’s been a very long time since I’ve done this.”


