#BURN Read Online Devon McCormack (Fever Falls #2)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Fever Falls Series by Devon McCormack
Series: Fever Falls Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 96922 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 485(@200wpm)___ 388(@250wpm)___ 323(@300wpm)

I stroked my thumb against his side. “I’ll take care of you, Dax.”

His tense back muscles relaxed at my assurance. As he’d said earlier that day in a way that had shocked me, he trusted me, and I wouldn’t have done anything to violate that trust.

I pushed the head in slowly, even more so than I figured might be necessary, but I wanted him to know with every fiber of his being that I respected his need to move slowly.

“You good?” I asked.

“Real good right now.”

He took deep breaths as I continued making my way farther inside him. With one hand still on his hip, I rested the other against the small of his back, running it in circles, enjoying the smooth dip of his spine.

“Oh, oh, stop.”

I froze in place. He bowed his head and took deep breaths.

“Just one sec, promise. God, it’s…really big.”

“I think you’re just really tight,” I said, unable to stifle a moan, which made him laugh. “Ah, ah…” he said as his laughter caused him to push back on my dick in what seemed like too quick a movement.

I pulled back slightly.

“No, I’m good,” he insisted. “Did that to myself.”

I waited a little longer before Dax started backing his ass up again. Taking his time, he moved steadily until his ass was up against my pelvis.

“Damn,” he moaned as he leaned forward some more, his back splayed out so I could fully take in the beautiful view. He took a few more breaths before saying, “Okay, now.”

At his encouragement, I slid back, then pushed forward slightly, watching his movements, waiting for him to alert me to cease.

“Oh, fuck,” dragged out of his mouth. “It’s right there.”

“Your prostate?”

Dax glanced over his shoulder. “No, my funny bone.” His tone dripped with sarcasm. “Yes, my prostate!”

“Now don’t laugh and hurt yourself again,” I teased, but he chuckled anyway.

“Looks like I’m good now.”

I pulled my cock farther out of him, then pushed back in, inspecting his body, his movements, doing my best to read him, which became easier when he threw his head back and reached down to his cock.

“I hope I feel as good in you as you feel in me. Jace Kruse, bet you’ve made a lot of women happy.”

“Hopefully the way I’m about to make a man real happy,” I said, Dax’s words giving me plenty of encouragement to feed my ego.

I continued moderating my pace, waiting until Dax sped up his own pushes back against me. Then I leaned down and pressed my chest against his back, wrapping my arms around him, setting one hand on his abs and running it up and down, appreciating Dax’s figure as I pushed in and out. I kissed his shoulder blade, then ran my nose against his flesh until I reached his neck, which I kissed too.

He reached back and set his hand on my head, stroking gently as I continued appreciating that hole gripping my cock, working me up in the best of ways as we moved in sync, each of us reading the other just right to push at the most opportune moment.

As he leaned back, I moved with him, following his lead as he positioned himself upright.

“Aw, fuck,” he muttered, his fingers curled in my hair, my face pressed right against his ear. He turned toward me. “How you liking that ass?”

“Can’t you tell?”

“I want to hear you say it. Tell me that’s not the best damn ass you could have had for your first time.”

I couldn’t suppress my smile. “Yeah, feels like it was made especially for me.”

He snickered, and said, “Feels like this cock was made to hit all the right places, so fair is fair.”

He turned even more and pressed against the back of my head, reeling me in to him, and I submitted so easily to his desire, taking that kiss that stirred swirling sensations in my head and chest.

I only pulled away long enough to check the condom to make sure it was still secure on my cock, then slid my hand up from his waist to his face, running my fingers through his scruff, enjoying how it felt on my hand and face.

“You mind if I ride it?” he asked.

“Topping from the bottom?”

He smiled. “I just want to show you what I expect you to do for me.”

“Mmmm…” I followed through with his request, and we wound up with me lying across the mattress and him squatting over me, descending onto my shaft, taking his time as he’d done before, though now it seemed much easier for him to work into a stride with me.

On his knees, he lifted his ass and lowered it, serving that hole up to my dick as he massaged a hand across my chest.

As his eyes rolled back, I asked, “You think you could get used to this?”


